Opportunity - The KliK Foundation is looking for more partners to carry out projects - Call for Proposals

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The KliK Foundation is looking for more partners to carry out projects - Call for Proposals
The Foundation for Climate Protection and Carbon Offset (KliK)

The KliK Foundation is looking for more partners to carry out projects. The

application deadline is 20 September 2020.

The Foundation for Climate Protection and Carbon Offset (KliK) invites interested and as yet unregistered organisations to apply by 20 September 2020 at the latest with an “Expression of Interest” in order to take part in future calls for proposals.

Following the rules of the Paris Agreement, between 2021 and 2030 the KliK Foundation plans to source an estimated 35 million tonnes of CO₂e from international activities in form of “Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes” (ITMOs). To this end, the Foundation regularly carries out calls for project proposals open exclusively to private organisations registered by the KliK Foundation.

The KliK foundation conducts peri­od­ical Call for Proposals for miti­gation activities. These calls are open for regis­tered organ­i­sa­tions.

Partic­i­pation takes place online in the admin­is­tration tool and is open only to previ­ously regis­tered organ­i­sa­tions or government agencies.