Private Sector Development - Wind Energy

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Potential Cooperation with Industry[1]:

  • close co-operation within planning- and implementation phases
  • publication of projects‘ (interim-) results
  • revolving dialogues with associations and companies

Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) insurance model for wind energy projects:

  • risk sharing between private companies and GTZ
  • partial reimbursement of costs up to € 100,000, if the planned wind project fails
  • potential applicants: companies within the EU

Cooperation during Project Initiation- and Implementation Phase

Cooperation with developers and industries may imply the following:

  • supporting joint projects between private developers and partner countries
  • provision of information and contacts e.g., between governmental institutions and private project developers in partner countries
  • options to enter into a cooperation agreement with private project developers, containingdefinition of each side’s contribution and publication of results

Promotion of Private Sector Participation via Dialogue Approach

Within the TERNA (Technical Expertise for Renewable Energy Application) programme by GIZ, a dialogue approach was aimed at supporting private sector participation. The dialogue approach implied:

  • meetings held in yearly intervals
  • subjects comprise: ongoing activities
  • discussion of „hot“ topics with a panel of invited experts
  • matchmaking events industry and politics ("Windenergie- und Entwicklungsdialog Windbranche trifft Politik")
  • matchmaking wind industry meets partner countries
  • workshops - partner countries meet/share with experts
  • sensitization of German wind industry, associations and political sector[2]

For the results of the dialogue approach, please click here.

Further Information


  1. content from: GTZ/Drillisch 2004: TERNA Programme Presentation Albania, Presentation-PSPI-Frankfurt-2004. Eschborn
  2. GTZ TERNA 2009: Presentation of TERNA impacts. PowerPoint. Eschborn