Publication - Solutions for the Missing Middle: The Case for Large-Scale Mini-Grid Development

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Solutions for the Missing Middle: The Case for Large-Scale Mini-Grid Development
Global Green Growth Institute
Gulshan Vashistha, Eric Plunkett
Published in
September 2017
This Insight Brief "Solutions for the Missing Middle: The Case for Large-Scale Mini-Grid Development" published by the GGGI demonstrates how mini grids powered by solar photovoltaics (PV) and energy storage systems (ESS) can provide energy access to 800 million people who do not live near a centralized electric grid. Solar PV plus ESS mini grids occupy the “missing middle” between smaller-scale off-grid solutions that provide limited energy services and expensive centralized grid extensions. Furthermore, this Insight Brief make the economic and environmental case for solar PV plus ESS mini grids and offers recommendations for how governments, project developers, utilities, and other stakeholders can rapidly develop the energy access market and the 250 GW “technology switching” market for solar PV-diesel hybrid mini grids.
