Question: Income of RE Entrepreneurs?

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Title: Income of RE Entrepreneurs?
Questions in detail: What is the income of actors in the value chain of different technologies?

Impact on Income and Access to Finance: Do you know about any studies and/or statistical data available regarding causal chains of impact theories?

Topics: Impacts
Country: Worldwide

In RE technology markets a wide range of business and distribution models can be found accommodating various actors. However, quantitative information on the different income levels is hardly available. Various studies on business models and market analyses exist, yet barely any of these examine income, profit margins or even revenue of the market players in detail. As mentioned above concerning retailers and entrepreneurs at the end of the chains the difficulties of obtaining this particular information are the various income generating activities carried out in parallel as well as the informality of the businesses. Regarding the actors further up the chain which are generally formal larger enterprises the issue here is probably reluctance to share internal information on revenue or profit of the company. The two links lead to articles that try to summarize what information is available.