Request for proposal provision of Consultancy Services to evaluate and advise on improvements to SNV’s internal control framework.

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Request for proposal provision of Consultancy Services to evaluate and advise on improvements to SNV’s internal control framework.

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Job title
Request for proposal provision of Consultancy Services to evaluate and advise on improvements to SNV’s internal control framework.
The Hague
  • Netherlands

Type of job
consultancy contract

Language of description
Job description
Company Description

SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation that applies practical know-how to make a lasting difference in the lives of people living in poverty. We use our extensive and long-term in-country presence to apply and adapt our top-notch expertise in agriculture, energy and WASH to local contexts. SNV has an annual turnover of €130 million, over 1,250 staff in more than 25 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. We are proud to be a not-for-profit organisation that uses project financing to implement our mission. This requires us to work efficiently and to invest in operational excellence. For more information on SNV, visit our website: To help us in our mission, SNV uses a ‘three-line of defence’ model to manage its risk. The Internal Control Framework (ICF) is the first line of defence; and the blueprint for the internal control environment at SNV, set out by management to ensure we achieve our objectives. The ICF identifies SNV’s risks, and key controls that mitigate these risks. All Country Offices are expected to comply with and implement the key controls identified in the ICF. SNV is seeking suitably experienced service providers (referred to as, singular the “Bidder or plural ”the “Bidders”) to work with the management team (Managing Board and Global Heads) in advising on and proposing improvements in the ICF across SNV as per Term of Reference (“ToR”) attached (Annex B - The Terms of Reference, see link given in the Job description field below)

Job Description

INTRODUCTION SNV NETHERLANDS DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION invites interested bidders to submit their technical and financial proposals (the “Proposals”) for the provision of consultancy services as detailed within this document: RFP for Internal Control Specialist


ESSENTIAL CRITERIA FOR QUALIFICATION Bidders must be able to commit to concluding services by 23 July 21. EXPERIENCE • Bidders shall have at least three (3) years’ experience in the supply of consultancy services relating to Risk Management and Internal Control and can demonstrate experience in developing Internal Control Frameworks. • Previous experience with NGOs and/or institutions of similar size and complexity of SNV will be considered an advantage. • Please note that, Bidders require special experience and capability to organise supply and delivery of services at short notice. PERSONNEL The names and pertinent information and the CVs of the key personnel for individuals or groups to execute the contract must be indicated in Form PQ3.


Past performance will be given due consideration in qualifying Bidders. Evidence of outputs delivered for past customers should be included in Form PQ4 where possible. FINANCIAL PROPOSAL • The Financial Proposal should reflect the overall financial proposal of the Bidder, taking into account the costs incurred to perform the full range of activities included in this RFP, in accordance with the described Scope of Work and appropriate alignment on interest. • The Bidder should provide the level of management fees and costs that it will charge for the full range of activities to be performed, as well as proposed methodology for their calculation. • All costs shall be included in the Proposal and shall be detailed (the Proposal shall refer to all services included in this RFP).

Additional Information

IMPORTANT - DO NOT APPLY by clicking I'm interested button but send an email to: please note to submit a separate email containing the Technical and Financial proposal: • Technical Proposal (including forms PQ1 – 5) with the email subject indicating: Technical Proposal Internal Control Framework • Financial Proposal (including form PQ-6) with the email subject indicating: Financial Proposal Internal Control Framework SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 4 June 2021

GDPR applies.
Application deadline

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