Skills Development: Clean Energy Qualifications in Nigeria

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Until 2016, structured training for renewable energy could not be found in Nigeria. There were sporadic training offers but these lacked relevance and recognition. In almost all cases, these were academic and lacking skills acquisition or targeted the wrong audience, such as rural dwellers. Training on energy efficiency did not exist at all. In short, these offerings were chiefly incompatible with industry and market needs.

The Nigerian Energy Support Programme (NESP) funded by the European Union and Germany and implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in partnership with the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Project (REEEP) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Winrock International, address this challenge by introducing relevant qualifications into Nigeria.

7 clean energy qualification were introduced in 2016 imparting skills needed by industry and enhancing employment prospects of trainees. Curricula were developed by international and Nigerian practitioners in pursuit of compliance with prevailing competency standards.    

A network of 12 partners from among training academies and research institutions across Nigeria has been empowered to deliver these 7 qualifications. Training partners received support through training syllabi, handbooks, through an in-depth training of their faculty and essential training equipment. Until 2020 partners will continue to receive expert guidance in the training delivery to ensure the training quality meets industry expectations. Training partners offer selected courses against admission fees since 2016.

To ensure training quality, a country-wide certification system is being established. From 2018 an independent 3rd party will conduct examinations of trainees and qualified professionals against competency standards evolved together with industry. The certification system will ensure training quality, close linkage to market needs, national recognition and periodic course updates in line with market developments. At present, NESP and REEEP are providing the examination and certification service in the interim.

Training Materials - Clean Energy - Nigeria 2017
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Solar PV Installation - Syllabus 2017.pdf
Solar PV Installation Supervision Mini-Grid Design-Training Syllabus -Nigeria 2017.pdf

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Further Information
