Woody Biomass For Energy Generation in Vietnam

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Woody Biomass is a high potential source of energy for Vietnam. Substantial amounts of wood residues (waste) are widely used by households and industries, meanly for cooking and heating on household level whereas industrial applications range from mineral processing, food and agro processing, metal processing, and textiles.

This study provides an overview of the opportunities of woody biomass (residues) for energy generation, including potential future use as well as an overview of the current use. It is prepared as part of the USAID Vietnam Clean Energy Program, funded by the USAID, and with Winrock International as the main implementer.

There is already an existing woodchip market in Vietnam, even though the local demand from the pulp and paper sector for woodchips is large, and prices are higher, the majority of the chips is exported for foreign markets for either energy use or for paper production. The use of woody materials is mainly limited to the domestic cooking sector and the use for small industries for heat – often produced inefficiently. The production of wood pellets is also becoming more well-known in Vietnam, although the amounts produced are still small and mainly for exports. Many local processes, furnace application, charcoal making are still using low efficient technologies.