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Successful promotion of energy efficient lighting bases upon the capacities of organizations (e.g. ministries, energy provider) and individuals (e.g. technicians, light planners, administrator or as well students and future technicians) to plan and implement measures and technologies.

To assess existing capacities, it is worthwhile to analyze the skills and knowledge of relevant actors first, before designing seminars and trainings. While designing capacity building measures, differentiation of measures for decision-makers and practitioners, i.e. technicians, is recommendable. While the latter will need practical tools and concrete installation praxis, the first require knowledge to framework conditions for energy efficient lighting. Apart from awareness raising, seminars for decision-maker address for instance: financial aspects, market development (incl. import costs), saving and payback calculations, environmental impacts.

This part of the Service Package compiles material for

Links to other Parts of the Service Package EE-Lighting

Studies E.g. market study to provide an initial idea to training needs
Monitoring Capacity Assessments can be part of monitoring
Information- & Sensitization Campaigns  
End-of Life Treatment End-of-life treatment as part of training content
Information Material For dissemination in trainings/seminars
Policy Advisory Services Seminars to decision-maker
Capacity Building

Financing aspects as part of training content

Implementation of actual Lighting Measures Practical, on-the-job training; examples to be used for training


Media in category "Capacity Building EE-Lighting"

The following 44 files are in this category, out of 44 total.