Training Material Auditors, Light Planners, Engineers EE-Lighting

From energypedia

To build a local basis of expertise in a country, training can be organized for auditors, light planners and electrical engineers or similar groups. Participants of training measures need to learn about modern energy saving/efficient lighting systems and technologies as well as methods to audit lighting systems.
Aim of training measures can be to build capacities to

  • document, analyze and assess the quality of light, the energy consumption and energy efficiency of existent lighting systems;
  • propose and document technically viable, economically efficient and legally conform measures to improve the energy efficiency of lighting systems; in a comprehensible manner;
  • provide advisory services to innovative energy efficient lighting systems to customers (benefits and disadvantages, availability of systems, procurement, maintenance, costs etc.)

References: Seminar on EE-Lighting for lighting planer

Key words Description

Training material
Light planning

The document provides the curricula for a3-days seminar to energy efficient lighting. Target group of the seminar: auditor, light planer, electrical engineers. Content: energy efficient technologies, lighting design and applications, and lighting audits.


Training material
Light planning
The document provides the curricula for a 2-days seminar to energy efficient lighting. Target group of the seminar: auditor, light planer, electrical engineers. Content: energy efficient technologies, lighting design and applications, and lighting audits.
Curriculum 2-Day-Seminar EE-Lighting.pdf

Demo case
Lighting applications

The slides show the exemplary content of a demo case. The case can be used for presentations, seminars etc.

Lighting applications
Training material 1


The document provides material for seminars to lighting applications. It contains information to office lighting, industry and trade lighting and lighting application projects.


Lighting audit
Training material 2

The document provides material for seminars to lighting audits. It contains information to light measures, tools, energy calculations, lighting audit projects in Kosovo, and outlines an audit exercise.

Lighting design
Training material 3


The document provides material for seminars to energy efficient lighting design. It contains information to luminaires, lighting design basics and lighting design projects.

Lighting technologies
Training material 4

The document provides material for seminars to energy efficient lighting technologies. It contains information to the fundamentals of lighting, lamp technology and efficiency, lamp operation and lighting materials.

Light planners
Electrical engineers

The ToR describe the work tasks to prepare and implement training measures to energy efficient lighting. They contain the development of curricula, briefly describe some possible contents and detail requirements for the seminar.
Lighting technologies
Training material 1
practical examples EE-Lighting seminar practical input1.pdf
Lighting technologies
Training material 2
practical examples EE-Lighting seminar practical input2.pdf