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<li>[https://sun-connect-news.org/fileadmin/DATEIEN/Dateien/New/Productive_use.pdf Reviewing the outcomes and impacts]</li>
== Q3&nbsp;From what capacity a systems can be considered for productive use? Can a Solar Home Systems be for productive use? How?<br/> ==
== Q3&nbsp;From what capacity a systems can be considered for productive use? Can a Solar Home Systems be for productive use? How?<br/> ==

Revision as of 10:42, 30 April 2019

This page lists all the questions asked during the webinar: Energy Access: the role of civil society in the area of productive uses.


Q1 Q: How can other CSOs get in touch in order to become members of ACCESS Coalition. What it the joining processes?

Please refer to the homepage of the ACCESS coalition: https://access-coalition.org/members-2/new-members/

Q2 @Julie, could you please give examples of case in which productives uses led to increased revenues ? and cases when it did not ?

Q3 From what capacity a systems can be considered for productive use? Can a Solar Home Systems be for productive use? How?

Q4 How can you address the risk of trained people leaving for better opportunities?

