Tunisia Renewable Energy Guide

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Revision as of 15:12, 2 September 2019 by ***** (***** | *****)
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ENG: Tunisia Renewable Energy Guide

Following an intense work process initiated in March 2018, a guide on renewable energy projects in Tunisia has been published in July 2019.This manual aims at providing national and international project developers and investors with information on procedures, permits and other useful advices about the renewable energy and investment context in Tunisia. The document focuses on wind and photovoltaic projects connected to medium and high voltage grid, and on the main electricity generation schemes allowed in Tunisia: self-consumption, “authorization” scheme (medium scale IPPs) and “concession” scheme (large scale IPPs). Detailed and summary versions of the guide can be downloaded here:


The elaboration of the guide was supported by GIZ projects "Support to the implementation of the Tunisian Solar Plan" (APST), commissioned by the BMU, and “Strengthening the Tunisian Solar Market” (RMS) commissioned by the BMZ, in cooperation with the Tunisian Ministry in charge of Energy (MIPME) and the Tunisian Energy Conservation Agency (ANME). The mission required in-depth surveys related to over 20 public institutions involved in the permitting processes, as well as consultations among the main public and private stakeholders in Tunisia. Easy update of the guide has been taken into consideration in order to capture future regulatory framework changes

Contacts: tristan.marlair@giz.de (APST) - amin.chtioui@giz.de (RMS)

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FR: Guide des Energies Renouvelables - Tunisie

Le Guide des projets d’énergie renouvelable en Tunisie est maintenant disponible!

Suite à l’atelier de présentation du guide pour les projets d’énergie renouvelable en Tunisie qui a eu lieu le 10 juillet dernier et qui a réuni plus de 100 participants du secteur privé et public, le guide est à présent disponible en téléchargement sur le site du Ministère de l'Industrie et des PME:


La mission d’élaboration du guide a été organisée par laGIZ Tunisie à travers les projets « Renforcement du Marché Solaire (RMS) mandaté par le BMZ et "Appui à la mise en oeuvre du Plan Solaire Tunisien" (APST) mandaté par le BMU et en partenariat avec le Ministère de l'Industrie et des PME ainsi que l’Agence Nationale pour la Maitrise de l’Energie (ANME).

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