EnDev RBF Facility Webinar Series

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EnDev RBF Facility Webinar Series & Closing Event 2020

- Insights From 7 Years of Implementation -

Since 2013, the Energising Development (EnDev) partnership is piloting results-based financing (RBF) approaches to enhance energy access markets with funding provided by UK’s Department for Inter-national Development (DFID). EnDev´s RBF Facility (RBFF) comprises 17 projects across 14 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It covers a wide range of modern energy technologies. So far, EnDev’s RBFF reached 5.8 million people with improved access to energy.read more

The webinar series: Although EnDev’s RBFF is phasing out this year, applying RBF in the sector does not stop here – the prospects are bright and promising. EnDev thus wants to share experiences in implementing this rich portfolio of projects. It is time to combine perspectives of a variety of stakeholders ranging from public funders, RBF practitioners and the private sector to answer some crucial questions:

  • Can RBF develop self-sustaining markets for energy and achieve additional results?
  • Is RBF a “better” alternative to other development cooperation modalities?
  • What RBF-approaches and design features worked in which circumstances and why?

Webinar 1

Transforming energy access markets with RBF – hype or hope?

18 June, 10:00-11:00 CET

Join using this link.

Join this webinar to learn more about the potential of RBF projects to transform energy access markets and under which circumstances market transformation effects are strongest. After introducing general insights obtained in the “Market Transformation Survey” conducted by an external evaluator of the RBFF, we invite practitioners to share their implementation experiences from the biogas sector in Vietnam as well as the development of the Solar Pico PV market in Benin. Following the inputs by our speakers, we look forward to engaging in a lively discussion on whether using RBF as a tool to support the transformation of energy markets is only a hype – or actually a hope.Read more....

Webinar 2

Reaching the bottom of the pyramid with RBF – wishful thinking or reality?

July 2020

Webinar 3

Verification in RBF projects – value for money or waste of time?

Sep 2020

Webinar 4

Accelerating the off-grid appliance market with RBF

Oct 2020

Closing Event

The end of an era or just the beginning? – RBF Sector Spillover and Innovation

Nov 2020
