Micro Perspectives for Decentralized Energy Supply - Conference 2013 Wednesday, February 27

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Conference Documentation - Wednesday, February 27th

Side Events

Enabling Energy Supply for Low-income Markets through Mini-grid Solutions

9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Expert & Practitioner Workshop in cooperation with Reiner Lemoine Institute

Presentations (Download):

Breyer: PV-based Mini-Grids for Electrification in Developing Countries.

Philipp: The Swarm Electrification Concept.Advocating a Bottom-up Approach to Mini-Grids.

Kammen: Case study presentation.

Experiences from the field: barriers and solutions - 3 selected presentations (Download):

Wollny: The Alliance for Rural Electrification.

Arranz: 19 years Field Experience: barriers and solutions for RE "mini-grids" development.

Palit: Enabling Energy Supply for Low Income Markets though Mini-Grid Solutions.

  • Summary Mini-Grid Workshop Report (Download)

PV-Hybrid Market in the Philippines

10:00 am – 5:00 pm

Industry Workshop in cooperation with GIZ

Practitioner Workshop: Energy Access Practitioner Network of the United Nations Foundation

1:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Expert & Practitioner Workshop in cooperation with the Energy Access Practitioner Network of United Nations Foundation

MES 2013 Conference: Kick-off

Exhibition: Teaching Technology Tools: Building a Global Energy Training Laboratory

5:00 pm

Opening Session

6:00 pm Lichthof, TU Berlin, Public Event