Net Metering in Brazil
Currently the solar energy plays just a marginal role in Brazil’s energy supply. The almost endless solar resources has no market for small scale solar systems.However,the new Net Metering regulation 482, introduced by the Brazilian electricity sector regulatory body ANEEL, has finally opened the doors to tap a vast potential for decentralized small scale electricity generation up to 1 MW. It is a big step for Brazil´s renewable energy sector and great opportunities for German technologies in the Brazilian market.
The cooperation of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, acting on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), with Brazil in the field of sustainable development is helping the Brazilian partners to develop new ways of tapping the enormous potential for using renewable energies and to promote energy efficiency, particularly in industry and buildings. GIZ provides advice on strategy development, support for developing management and cooperation structures, and technical expertise.
- Mini and Micro Generators - América do Sol
- From the first solar-powered stadium in Latin America to PV Business for everybody (2013)
- Vom ersten Solarstation Lateinamerikas zum brasilianischen Net Metering (2013)
In 2012, the first Brazilian photovoltaics pilot project, the solar-powered stadium Pituaçu in Bahia state was inaugurated. This successful venture, implemented by the local energy provider COELBA and supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, established further progress to increase the share of photovoltaic-generated electricity in the Brazilian energy system. Consequently, ANEEL introduced a Net-Metering system within a new regulation for decentralized small scale electricity generators up to 1 MW.
- Net Metering in Brasilien - Wirtschaflichkeit PV für Haushalte und Gewerbe (2013)
- PV businesses up to 1 MW under Brazils new Net Metering rules (2013)
- Net Metering in Brasilien - Bilanz nach einem Jahr (2014)
- Unbürokratisches Net Metering für dezentrale Stromerzeugung in Brasilien (2013)
- Solarprojekt Brasilien Megawatt Eletrosul (2014)
- Pituaçu Solar - Das erste Solarstadion Lateinamerikas (2012)
- Strategisches F&E Projekt Photovoltaik Brasilien (2014)
Net Metering
- Brazilian Atlas of Solar Energy (2006)
- Survey of the Electricity Market in Brazil focusing on Distributed Generation (2011)
- Estudo sobre o Mercado de Energia Elétrica no Brasil focando na Geração Distribuída (2011)
- Challenges and Opportunities of the integration of new consumers and decentralized power plants (2009)
- Implementação de geradores de energia descentralizados no Brasil ligados a uma pequena rede(2010)
- Implementation of small grid connected decentralized power generators in Brazil(2010)
- International Procedures for the Connection of Small Distributed Generators to the Power Grid (2011)
- Standards for the Connection of Small Distributed Generators to the Power Grid (2011)
- Regulatory Framework for the Interconnection of the Costumer in Brazil - Generators and its Barriers (2011)
- Consequences on Grid Operation by Decentralized Renewable Power Generators (2011)
- Pesquisa relacionada aos consumidores B3 no Brasil (2012)
- Metodologia de mapeamento da área potencial de telhados residenciais para PV no Brasil (2012)
- Manual de Capacitação GIS: Sistemas de Informação Geográfica e Aplicações no Mapeamento Solar no Brasil (2012)
- ANEEL Chamada 013 - Arranjos técnicos e comerciais para inseração da geração solar fotovoltaica na matriz energética brasileira
Dissemination / Spreading
- Resolução ANEEL Net Metering 482/2012
- Regulierung Net Metering Nr. 482 der Nationalen Energieagentur ANEEL in Brasilien (2013)
- Verfahrensregeln zur Stromversorgung im nationalen Stromnetz PRODIST (2013)
America do Sol Project
Solar Fund
Solar Label
- Selo Solar
- Elaboração do Regulamento do Selo Solar (2011)
- Avaliação qualitativa do Selo de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica (2011)
- Manual de Uso de Selo Solar (2011)
- Apoio na elaboração das regras da Campanha Selo Solar (2011)
Solar Simulator
Solar Company Register
Post regulation (Challenges)
- Análise e levantamento da composição tarifária brasileira (2013)
- Condições de Importação de Equipamentos de Mini e Microgeração Distribuida Fotovoltaicos (2012)
- Importbestimmungen und -kosten für Photovoltaik-Anlagen zur dezentralen Stromerzeugung in Brasilien (2012)
- Histórico da Regulação do Custo de Disponibilidade no Brasil (2013)
- Dezentrale Stromerzeugung durch Photovoltaik in Brasilien - Eine Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse (2013)
- Análise sobre a instalação do Dispositivo de Seccionamento Visível (DSV) na microgeração (2014)
- Retrificação da Regulação DSV ANEEL (2014)
Pilot Project - Solar Stadium Pituaçu
Project Pituaçu
- Estádios Solares Opção Sustentável para a Copa 2014 no Brasil (2010)
- Identificação de empresas alemãs para elaboração do projeto executivo (2010)
- Fornecimento de dados para empresas interessadas no projeto executivo (2010)
Tendering Pituaçu
- Solicitação de Proposta Edital
- Edital: Projeto Básico
- Edital: Modelo de Contrato de Prestações de Serviços
- Edital: Modelos
- Edital: Laboratórios aprovados pela COELBA
- Edital: Experiência Prévia da Licitante
- Edital: Avaliação dos Componentes do Sistema Gerador Fotovoltaico
- Edital: Normas Técnicas Aplicáveis
- Edital: Modelo de Carta Proposta
Quality Control Pituaçu