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 Welcome to the Solar Section

Technological Aspects

Solar Home Systems

 Solar Hybrid Systems

 Other Uses of Solar Energy

Institutional Set-Up
Policy Framework
  • Typical Regulations for the Installation and Operation of Solar Systems
  • Feed-in Policies
  • Advocacy for Solar Energy at national and local level
  • Upscaling mechanisms for Solar Energy
  • Funding Mechanisms for Solar Energy Measures (national budget, rural energy/lectrification funds, donors, …)
Operation and Business Models

Solar Home Systems

  • Local Production/Assembling/Trading Capacity for Solar Energy Technologies (technical and management capacity)
  • Promotion of Commercial Products
  • Marketing
  • Quality Management
  • Distribution System
  • Metering and Billing Systems (metering, flat-rate / limiters, pre-payment)
  • Operator Models / Business Set-Up
Financing Models

 Solar Home Systems

Social and Environmental Impacts of Rural Electrification Schemes
Climate change-related issues
  • CDM, Bundling, CDM Programme of Activities
  • Climate Proofing of Projects
  • Technology Transfer and UNFCCC

Frequently Asked Questions
External Links