Achieving Universal Access to Electricity in Myanmar

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Implementation of the National Electrification Plan

Myanmar National Electrification Project

The Myanmar National Electrification Project (MNEP) will support the expansion of electricity services in Myanmar through grid and off-grid solutions, and will work with all development partners and the private sector in these areas. The proposed project is expected to be the first in a series of WBG operations supporting public private sector investments aiming to help achieve universal access to electricity in Myanmar by 2030.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Workshop

Oct 23, 2015

A workshop was held on October 23, 2015 on LNG recent trends and prospects, including a demonstration of simulation tools for analysis of LNG options.

The workshop put a spotlight specifically on the floating LNG import terminal space. 70 representatives attended from Myanmar government agencies, international organizations, and the local and foreign private sectors. The workshop was followed by a demonstration of an LNG-to-power financial model, which was open to about 30 Government representatives.

NEP Project Launch Workshop

First NEP Implementation Workshop
Grand Ball Room, Thingaha Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw 

Oct 21, 2015

Agenda of Day 1

Session #1: Procurement Management

  1. Procurement policy guidelines, processes and procedures 
    Sirirat Sirijaratwong, Procurement Specialist, World Bank
    Myat Kay Khine, Procurement Specialist, World Bank
  2. Procurement plan - Grid component 
    U Thura Aung Bo, Deputy Chief Engineer, Head of PMO, MOEP
  3. Procurement plan - Off-grid component
    U Kyaw Swar Aung, Director, Procurement, DRD

Session #2:  Financial Management and Disbursement

  1. Financial Management Process and procedures
    Frederick Yankey
    Daw Nyo Nyo Win, Director( Finance) DRD

Session #3: State/Region Perspectives - Issues, Challenges, and Priorities of Electrification

  1. Presentation for State/Region (Grid and Off- Grid)

Oct 22, 2015

Agenda of Day 2

Session #4: NEP project overview

  1. Overview of Implementation arrangement for National Electrification Project
    Dr.Dejan Ostojic, Lead Energy Specialist, The World Bank
  2. Grid Extension Components of NEP : objectives, scope and implementation arrangement’s
    U Thura Aung Bo, Deputy Chief Engineer, Head of PMO, MOEP
  3. Off-grid Electrification Components of NEP: objectives, scope, and implementation arrangements 
    Dr. Daw Soe Soe Ohn, Head of PMO, DRD

Session #5: Environmental and Social Impact Management

  1. Environmental and Social Safeguards Management Framework and its implementation 
    Frank van Woerden, Lead Environment Engineer, World Bank 
    Warren Mayes, Senior Social Development Specialist, World Bank

Press Release, Feature Story and Video

September 16, 2015

Press Release: Millions of Poor People in Myanmar to Gain Access to Electricity

Feature Story: Electricity to Transform Rural Myanmar

Video: Access to Electricity Vital for Ending Poverty in Myanmar

Public Consultations on Draft Safeguars Intruments

May 14-16-18, 2015

The World Bank is currently working with the Ministry of Electric Power (MOEP) and Department of Rural Development (DRD) of the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development in the preparation of the proposed Myanmar National Electrification Project. MOEP and DRD, with assistance from consultants and the World Bank, have prepared a DRAFT Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) that will guide the application of the relevant World Bank safeguard policies to the project. A Poverty and Social Impact Assessment (PSIA) has been undertaken to inform the project and the ESMF. 

DRD and MOEP are inviting interested stakeholders to public consultations concerning these draft safeguard instruments as follows: Thursday May 14 in Mandalay; Saturday May 16 in Taunggyi; and Monday May 18 in Yangon.

The draft documents are available in Myanmar and English languages (the Myanmar version of the full Preliminary PSIA to Inform the ESMF will be posted shortly):

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Civil Society Consultative Meeting

January 30, 2015

On January 30, 2015 in Yangon, the WB held a consultative meeting with civil-society organizations to share information on NEP preparation. Approximately 40 people participated including local and international civil-societies, business and media as well as MOEP and DRD PMO staff responsible for safeguards. World Bank Country Manager Mr Abdoulaye Seck made opening remarks, Senior Energy Specialist Dr Xiaoping Wang gave an overview of NEP preparations, and Senior Social Safeguards Specialist Mr Svend Jensby described safeguards requirement.

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Workshop on Off-Grid Electrification in Myanmar

Grand Ball Room, Thingaha Hotel, Naypyidaw, January 28-29, 2015
The agenda is available here. Please find the presentations below:

Day 1, Jan 28, 2015

Session 1: Field Evaluations of Existing Off-grid Programs in Myanmar
1-1. The role of off-grid electrification in the National Electrification Project (NEP), Dr. Xiaoping Wang, Senior Energy Specialist, the World Bank
1-2. Government Support for Rural Off-grid Electrification, U Khant Zaw, Deputy Chief Engineer, DRD
1-3. Field Evaluations of the Solar Home System Program, Dr. Chris Greacen, World Bank Consultant
1-4. Field Evaluations of the Mini-hydro Program, Mr. Ajith Kumara, World Bank Consultant

Session 2: State of Art Off grid Electrification Technologies and Lessons Learned from Other Countries
2-1. State of Art Solar PV Technologies, Business Models and Markets for Electrification, Mr. Russell Sturm, Head for Clean Energy and Resource Efficiency, International Finance Corporation
2-2. Bangladeshi Solar Program, Mr. Nazmul Hapque, Director (Investment) & Head of Advisory, Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL), Bangladesh
2-3. State of Art Minihydro Technologies for Electrification, Prof. Dr. Arun Kumar, Chair Professor and Chief Scientific Officer, Alternate Hydro Energy Centre, India Institute of Technology Roorkee
2-4. Nepalese Minihydro Program, Mr. Ram Prasad Dhital, Executive Director, Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Nepal

Session 3: Private Sector Participation in Provision of Off-grid Electrification Services
3-1. U Min Paing Oo, Moe Ko San Solar (Hpa An) - Not available for public share
3-2. U Than Zaw, Mana ging Director, Asia Solar - Not available for public share
3-3. U Kyaw Min Tun, Managing Director, SolaRiseSys
3-4. U Kyaw Min, Director, Earth Renewable Energy Company
3-5. U Hnin K ThaYar, Managing Director, T & T Co. Ltd - Not available for public share
3-6. U Aung Myint, General Secretary, REAM
3-7. U Khun Aung Myo, Shan State
3-8. U Sai Htun La, Owner, Sai Htun Hla & Brothers Company; Founder, Hydro Power Cooperative Limited, Shan State
3-9. U Zaw Min, Shan State
3-10. U Ye Neing, Kyaing Tone Power Company, Kyi Thein & Family Company, and Aye Thar Electrical Factory, Shan state
3-11. U Khin Myn Mung, Chaiman, FNDP (Pvt) Ltd, Falam, Chin state - Not available for public share
3-12. U Soe Tint Aung, bio-gassifier private practitioner
3-13. U Hla Tun from Myint Mo Yadanar Mini-hydro Company - Not available for public share

Day 2, Jan 29, 2015

Session 5: What, How, How Much and By Whom for Myanmar
5-1. Issues and options for scaling up off-grid solar, Dr. Chris Greacen, World Bank Consultant
5-2. Issues and options for scaling up off-grid solar, Mr. Ajith Kumara, World Bank Consultant
5-3. Breakout sessions with facilitators and translators

Session 6: Development Partners’ Initiatives Supporting Off-grid Electrification
6-1. JICA, Mr. Yoshifumi Tokushige
6-2. ADB, Choon-Sik Jung, Senior Energy Specialist
6-3. KfW Development Bank, (A) Ms. Carolyn Neufeld, Principal Project Manager, Energy Asia, (B) Niraj Subedi, Energy Sector Specialist, Nepal Office
6-4. International Finance Corporation (IFC) Mr. Russell Sturm, Head for Clean Energy and Resource Efficiency
6-5. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Mr. Hongpeng Liu, Chief of Energy Security and Water Resources Section

Consultants' Reports

1. Report of Off-Grid Hydro Power Assessment of Myanmar

2. DRD Solar Home Systems (SHS) in Myanmar Status and Recommendations

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Report on Poverty and Social Impacts Analysis

December, 2014: Understanding the impact of tariffs and connection costs for the preparation of the National Electrification Plan, Myanmar

The World Bank has been undertaking a Poverty and Social Impact Assessment (PSIA) to inform dialogue with the Government of Myanmar on roll-out of the National Electrification Plan, and to support aspects of both the Myanmar Electric Power Project (MEPP) and National Electrification Project (NEP). Specifically, the PSIA serves to:
(i) inform institutional capacity building measures and technical assistance during implementation of both projects, in 2015 and beyond, including discussions on tariff setting under MEPP; and
(ii) inform the NEP design and Environment and Social Management Framework per World Bank safeguards policies.

The PSIA Phase I report was finalized in December 2014. This includes information on overall understanding of barriers to electricity access (in rural and urban areas and for poor and marginalized households in particular), uses of electricity, quality of service and affordability of new tariffs of April 2014. It also includes an overview of the self-reliant electrification (SRE) approach and roles and functions of the Electricity Committees at village level.

Please download the report here.

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First Workshop

The Government of Myanmar and World Bank Group (WBG) held two technical workshops on November 4-5, 2014 in Nay Pyi Taw as part of ongoing support for national electrification. The first workshop (November 4) concerned private sector participation in grid and off-grid electrification. The second workshop (November 5) concerned poverty and social impact assessment (PSIA) and environmental and social safeguards. 71 participants (32 from MOEP and 24 from MLFRD) participated in each workshop, including representatives from all Myanmar states and regions.

Day 1, Nov 4, 2014

Private Sector Participation WBG will help the Government of Myanmar develop a request for expressions of interest (EOI) from the private sector to participate in the NEP. Pending responses to the request, MOEP and WBG will hold a workshop with interested private sector participants in January 2015.
1. PSP for on-grid power
2. PSP for off-grid power

Day 2, Nov 5, 2014

Social and Environmental Issues
1. Poverty and Social Impact Assesment (PSIA): Policies Introduction, PSIA Qualitative Analysis
2. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF): Poverty and social impacts analysis

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Development of the National Electrification Plan


Myanmar is at an unprecedented juncture to launch a national electrification program for providing reliable, affordable and sustainable electricity services to the entire population of approximately 60 million. The government, international and bilateral organizations, and the private sector all demonstrated their commitment and interest in playing a role in the journey to achieving universal access.
With strong support and commitment from GoM, the World Bank has mobilized a grant of approximately US$2.0 million through the UN Sustainable Energy for ALL Initiative, to support the GoM in developing a National Electrification Plan (NEP).
The NEP is a comprehensive action plan (road map) outlining the enabling policy and institutional framework for developing, financing, and implementing a nationwide electricity access scale-up program with the target of achieving universal access by 2030 in an effective and efficient manner. Specifically the NEP includes, inter alia, a GeospatialLeast-costElectrificationRollout plan for grid and off-grid areas, and a UniversalAccessRoadmap andInvestmentProspectus.
It is the objective of the World Bank/ESMAP-supported National Electrification Plan is to help chart out a path towards achieving universal access that is appropriate in the Myanmar context.
The NEP coordinates with ongoing rural energy access work in off-grid areas being conducted by ADB in collaboration with MOLFRD.

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International Workshops

Presentation files
1. NEP overview
2. NEP Geospatial Least-Cost Electrification Plan
3. NEP Investment Prospectus‎
4. NEP Institutional Framework

March 20, 2014

Interium Results of the NEP Study
1. NEP Study: Implementation Progress
2.‎ Myanmar Geospatial Least-Cost Electrification Plan
3. Institutional Framework for NEP implementation
4. Universal Access Roadmap and Investment Prospectus

Development Partners' Initiatives Supporting National Electrification
5. Off-grid Electrification: Field Findings
6. Electricity (Power Sector) Master Plan: Update and Implications for Electrification - Not available for public share
7. UNIDO's Support in Energy Access in Myanmar
8. Technology Solutions for Frid and Off-grid Electrification

November 22, 2013

1. Plenary Session: Overview of Study Objective, Design and Expected Outcome
2. Technical Session #1: National Geospatial, Least-Cost Electrification Planning: Vijay EI MMR Geospatial (A)‎, Vijay EI MMR Geospatial (B)
3. Technical Session #2: Universal Access Roadmap and Investment Prospectus
4. Technical Session #3: Institutional Framework and Business Models
5. Summary of Workshop Discussions and Next Steps

June 1, 2013

1. ADB ADB Presentation
2. JICA: JICA Program in the Power Sector - Not available for public share
3. UNDP:UNDP in Myanmar - Not available for public share
4. WB: Questions Reflection

May 31, 2013

1. Global overview – Dejan Ostojic
2. Thailand – Tig Tuntivate
3. India – Sudeshna Ghosh Banerjee
4. Vietnam – Hung Tien Van
5. Thailand Laos and Cambodia – Jie Tang
6. Rwanda – Arun Sanghvi
7. Indonesia – Arun Sanghvi
8. Key Success Factors Across Good Practice NEPs – Arun Sanghvi
9. Electrification Planning and Technology – Xiaoping Wang

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Draft Final Reports

Myanmar National Electrification Plan (NEP): Myanmar Geospatial Least-Cost Electrification Plan
Myanmar National Electrification Plan (NEP): Roadmap and Prospectus
Briefing on Myanmar National Electrification Plan toward Universal Access

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Projects by World Bank Group

Myanmar Electric Power Project (MEPP)


The development objective of the Electric Power Project for Myanmar is to increase capacity and efficiency of gas-fired power generation and strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of electric power and the Myanmar electric power enterprise. 

There are two components to the project. 

The first component of the project is supply and installation (S&I) of a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) power plant at the existing Thaton Gas Turbine (GT) station. This is the main component of the project is the expansion of the Thaton GT station into a new CCGT power plant. A modern, high-efficiency, low-emissions CCGT power plant will comprise two 40 Megawatt (MW) gas turbines with inlet air chillers, one steam turbine of 26 (MW), a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and air-cooled steam condenser. 

The second component of the project is technical assistance component focused on institutional and capacity building support to Ministry of Electric Power (MOEP) and Myanmar Electricity Power Enterprise (MEPE). This component will provide technical assistance and advisory services to MOEP and MEPE in two main areas.

More information available on the World Bank's website - Projects & Operations.


Projects by other Development Partners

Other Projects

Advancing Mini-Hydropower in Myanmar Towards SE4ALL:  Challenges, Opportunities, and Next Steps

Workshop, July 30, 2015 at Naypyidaw

Session 1 - Opening (no slides)

Session 2 - Overview of Existing Mini-Hydropower Projects: Status, Progress 
Dr. Soe Soe Ohn, Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries, and Rural Development
Dr. Hla Myo Aung, Department of Research and Innovation, Ministry of Science and Technology
U Zaw Min, Small Hydropower Association of Myanmar

Session 3 - International / SE4ALL Efforts for Mini-Hydropower: Objectives, Partners, Resources, and Timelines
Dr. Xiaoping Wang, World Bank, Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)
Dr. Kohji Iwakami, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
Dr. Hanna Yolanda, ASEAN Rural Energy Support Program (RESP)
Mr. Divyam Nagpal, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Session 4A - Reliable, Centralized, and Accessible Database for Coordinated Planning
U Tin Myint, Suntac Technologies, Myanmar
Ippei Kitahara, Asia AIR Survey, Japan 
Dr. Marc Muller, University of California, Berkeley

Session 4B - Financing, Standards, and Regulatory Frameworks for Scalability
Dr. Chris Greacen, Independent Policy Consultant
U Ye Naing, Independent Engineering Consultant (no slides)

Session 4C - Institutional Structures and Processes for High-Quality, Scaled Implementation
Oliver Haas, INTEGRATION, Germany

Session 4D - Vehicles for Capacity Development and Knowledge Management
Keith Rabin, KWR International 
Dr. Thi Thi Soe, Department of Research and Innovation (DRI), Ministry of Science and Technology
Patrick Pawletko, Green Empowerment

Session 5 - Closing (no slides)

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World Bank Group Risk Mitigation Solutions for Myanmar’s Infrastructure Projects 

Workshop, June 3, 2015 at Naypyidaw

The World Bank Group (WBG) hosted a workshop titled Risk Mitigation Solutions for Myanmar‟s Infrastructure Projects in Nay Pyi Taw on June 3, 2015. Myanmar Ministries of Finance, National Planning and Economic Development, Electric Power, Communications and IT, and Transport presented an overview of their infrastructure development priorities and challenges.

Presentations from the WBG:

Presentations from Government Ministries:

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Information and Data

EITI Initiative

Other publications / articles

Out of Darkness - Myanmar's Quest to (Em)Power its Citizens

By Keith Rabin and Christina Madden, Oct 1, 2015.

Link to the article: "Out of Darkness - Myanmar's Quest to (Em)Power its Citizens".

Myanmar’s Path to Electrification - The Role of Distributed Energy Systems

By Rachel Posner Ross, Oct 30, 2015.

Link to the article: "Myanmar’s Path to Electrification - The Role of Distributed Energy Systems".


The financial and technical support by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) and the Asia Sustainable and Alternative Energy Program (ASTAE) is gratefully acknowledged. ESMAP—a global knowledge and technical assistance program administered by the World Bank—assists low- and middle-income countries to increase their know-how and institutional capacity to achieve environmentally sustainable energy solutions for poverty reduction and economic growth. ESMAP is funded by Australia, Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the World Bank Group. ASTAE’s mandate is to scale up the use of sustainable energy options in Asia to reduce poverty and protect the environment by promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency, and access to energy. ASTAE is funded by the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

ESMAP Logo.jpg

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