Lighting Checks in households EE-Lighting

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Promotion of energy efficient lighting needs to be based on rational as well as emotional arguments to be effective. Arguments thereby "work best" if they are actually based in people's realities. Implementation of lighting checks has proven to be of vital assitance in the generation and proof of rational arguments and testing energy efficient lighting.

Basically, lighting checks imply to

  • check the actual lighting situation in the households,
  • (likely) exchange of all inefficient incandescent lamps against efficient lamps (CFL),
  • final check of the new status and control of all new lamps,
  • activity report with summary and analysis of the results.

For this purpose, a toolkit can be of assistance.


Key Words

Calculation procedure
Lighting Checks
Saving potentials

The document contains templates to be filled in, and calculation formulas for students to be applied when implementing lighting checks in private households.
Calculation Procedure LightChecks.doc

Energy efficient lighting
Energy saving

The brochure provides energy saving tips for lighting for private households/users. It covers information to conventional lighting and energy efficient lighting, halogen and LEDs, energy efficiency grades, info to end-of-life treatment and tips to select appropriate lamps.
Dena EnergySaving Tipps.pdf

Energy saving lamp

The brochure provides information to energy saving lamps: where and how to use, costs, environmental aspects, quality of light, how to differentiate energy saving lamps from conventional bulbs, and where to get further information.
ESV ESL-InfoHH 20080101.pdf

Energy saving
Quality of light
Indoor lighting
Outdoor lighting

The brochure provides information how to achieve the right lighting in a home – indoors and outdoors. It also explains potentials to save energy for lighting and contains information to lighting sources, artificial and daylight, and luminaires.
Sparfonden Leaflet Good Light 20090101.pdf

Saving potentials

The Excel sheet provides a template to calculate the costs of the exchange of e.g. GLS for CFL per room of a household, and the payback parameters. The sheet provides for before-after comparison and summarizes saving calculations.


Before-after comparison
Saving potentials

The document provides templates to compare the results of the exchange of GLS for CFL in private households. The templates describe: status before-after exchange of bulbs; summary of total savings.

Lighting terms
Training tools

The document contains a brief glossary with lighting terms and abbreviations.

Light terms abbreviation 20100601.pdf

Question catalogue
Technical questions
Before-after comparison

The document lists the technical questions to be asked during the very first lighting check in a household (baseline), and the final visit to evaluate the results.

ToR energy efficient lighting

The ToR describe work tasks for the development of a campaign programme and promotion concept for an energy efficient lighting campaign in households. Work tasks also comprise professional supervision in the implementation of the campaign and the concept.

ToR lighting checks
Bulb exchange
Supervision of students

The ToR describes supervision and coordination tasks in implementing lighting checks and exchanging conventional bulbs for CFLS in households.
ToR supervision light checks.doc

Toolkit for the Implementation of Lighting Checks

Toolkit light checks.pdf
The toolkit is supporting the task “lighting check” - combined with the necessary feasibility calculations - which will be performed by trained students/staff. The material is also providing the necessary 'Know-how' for the training of the students/staff.

The subtasks of a lighting check contain:

  • walk through and interview
  • calculation of saving potential,
  • exchange of lamps, final status check, summary protocol

They are described in the checklist and the other parts of the toolkit.

The toolkit contains the following documents that are provided in the following a a wikipage or for download:

  1. Checklist for status analysis including interviews and calculation of saving potentials of lighting, lamp exchange and final check in 200 households
    1. Application declaration (participation agreement) for households
    2. Question catalogue
  2. Fact sheet efficient lighting alternatives for HH
  3. Information sheets/brochures describing efficient lighting alternatives
  4. Lighting terms and abbreviations
  5. Summary calculation procedure (savings, payback)
  6. Summary of the results-template (incl. total calculated savings/year)


(for status analysis including interviews and calculation of saving potentials of lighting, lamp exchange and final check in xxx households)

I. Preparation

Selection and address of households

  • based on the concept of the campaign
  • official letter to the HH’s including answer card with participation declaration and additional information of each of the HH’s
  • collection of answers, cross-checks via energy provider, final coordination of interviews and lighting checks including visits

II. Implementation

  1. Walk through (trained students, coordinated by supervisor)
    Visit of actual status, collecting of lamp data for each room in a list (see separate calculation procedure memo)
  2. Interview (trained students – tandem approach, coordinated by supervisor and in co-operation with the socio-economic interview)
    Collecting of additional information (operation time, tariff group of the household, satisfaction with lighting status/wishes for changing, etc. See separate question catalogue.)
  3. Calculation of saving potential (trained students, coordinated by supervisor)
    Calculation tool (kWh/a, €/a, CO2 emission reduction etc., see separate calculation procedure memo and the Excel spreadsheet)
  4. Short protocol of results (trained students, coordinated by supervisor)
    Especially comparison actual status with new suggested status, potential savings – shall be used as basis for final protocols for each HH (prepared by students) and final evaluation and summary report (prepared by supervisor, XXX)
  5. Lamp exchange (trained students, coordinated by supervisor)
    Exchange of inefficient GLS against high efficient CFL’s (supported by the lamp manufacturers with CFL’s for free)
  6. Final status check and interview (trained students, coordinated by supervisor)
    Final check of lighting status (number of existing new CFL’s, comments and wishes of the HH’s)
    Handing over of final protocol for signature (one copy for HH’s)
  7. Summary report for the project (summary of the findings by supervisor, activity report by the supervisor in cooperation with XXX)
    Summary of the findings based on the final protocols of students (total figures actual status, saving potential, realized lamp exchanges and calculated saving figures)

Participation agreement for households

Participation Declaration

"I declare my willingness to participate in the questionnaire action and lighting checks in the frame of the project “lighting campaign for households in xxx” of the German Technical Cooperation GTZ (performed in co-operation with the Ministry of Energy). I will be available for the interview and lighting check team of students at my flat at the agreed time."

The student team will prove its identity with an official letter of GTZ.

The performing of the interviews and lighting check isn’t combined with any costs for me.

After conducting of the lighting check including exchange of inefficient incandescent lamps against high-efficient energy saving lamps (CFL’s) - provided by the project for free - a copy of a duly signed final protocol with calculated saving potential will be passed to me as certification of my participation

Address of the household:                                                Date:                                                Signature for the household

Question catalogue for the actual lighting check

The catalogue shall be used for the interview in the frame of the status analysis (“walk through”) of lighting situation of the household. 

Part I: Analysing the lighting situation in households

  1. Introduction
  2. Short summary of the project objective, the timeline and main activities for households including necessary visits and interviews, advantages etc.
  3. General questions (together with the other student)
    • Address, number of people living in the household etc.
  4. Current lighting situation in the household (all questions which are not related to technical and tariff issues conducted by the other student)
    • Satisfaction with lighting status, wishes for improvement
    • Knowledge about efficient lighting etc.
  5. Technical questions, tariff information (student from Technical University responsible)
    • Number of lamps, types, wattages, operation time (single lamps per room) etc. (see table of the calculation procedure – if operation time is unknown it shall be rough estimated, e.g. 3 hours/day are common in general in households)
    • Tariff information (tariff group 5 or 6 with focus on high (01.10.-31.03.) and low season (01.04.-30.09.) including metering and billing situation if possible – the difference between high- and low tariff of the tariff group 5 (2-rate meters) will not be considered, we are using only the high tariff (“day”-tariff) for the following calculations (because it will simplify the calculations and shows the main operation time of the lamp per day)
    • Remarks, hints etc. concerning technical/operational issues

Part II: Final check of lighting situation

  1. New lighting situation in the household (all questions which are not related to technical and tariff issues conducted by the other student)
    • check of the status and completeness of the exchanged lamps
    • remarks, hints etc. concerning technical/operational issues

Fact sheet efficient lighting alternatives for HH

Fact sheet EElight alternativesHH.pdf

Information sheets/brochures describing efficient lighting alternatives

Dena EnergySaving Tipps.pdf

(DENA: Energy Saving Tipps Lighting)

ESV ESL-InfoHH 20080101.pdf

(Energy Saving Lamps - Nice & Economic)

Sparfonden Leaflet Good Light 20090101.pdf

(Right light in the home)

Lighting terms and abbreviations

Light terms abbreviation 20100601.pdf

Excel templates for calculation, and summarizing results

Calculation Procedure LightChecks.doc
