Category:Information- & Sensitization Campaigns EE-Lighting

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Information- and sensitization campaigns have proven to be a vital mean to disseminate information and to support an increased awareness. Therefore, successful campaigns depend on various factors such as a sound communication strategy, including information dissemination and media coverage as well as effective individual measures. The latter need to correlate with each other to create synergetic effects.

This part of the service package compiles documents that assist in planning, implementing and communicating (in) a campaign.

Planning for instance needs operative considerations such as the management of participation or recruitment of interviewer to collect data. Interviewer can be required whenever campaigns need further information to base their arguments on the “realities on the ground” in the respective country. I.e. when data to actual saving potentials and payback calculations as well as consumers’ current level of awareness and status of knowledge is unknown. On this instant, the following individual measures are of assistance:

  • Lighting checks in private households
  • Consumer Survey

Information dissemination is integral part of such individual measures. At the same time, the development of information material receives inputs by the measures to ‘fine-tune’ rational as well as emotional arguments for consumers to use energy efficient lighting.

This part contains information to:

Links to other Parts of the Service Package EE-Lighting

Studies Can be applied for planning the campaign
Monitoring Consumer Surveys/light checks can provide monitoring data
Information- & Sensitization Campaigns  
End-of-Life Treatment Can be checked during consumer surveys/light checks
Information Material For dissemination in campaign
Policy Advisory Services
Capacity Building
Financing Consumer Survey can provide info to financial abilities of households
Implementation of actual Lighting Measures Experiences can be used for dissemination in campaign


Media in category "Information- & Sensitization Campaigns EE-Lighting"

The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total.