Solar-Powered Oil Press for Sesame Seed

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Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is the third largest agricultural export crop in Burkina Faso, behind the ruminants and cotton (Guissou R., 2012). Sesame oil production currently exists in the country, but is not developed and energy cost of the process has been the major challenge. In 2014, Burkina Faso had one of the high price of electricity with as average sale price of 126.79 FCFA/kWh (Ouedraogo, Kouame, Azoumah, & Yamegueu, 2015). As a Sahelian country, solar energy, on the other hand, is the most abundant resource with around 8.3 h per day of insolation and 5.5 kWh/m2 (Azoumah, Ramdé, Tapsoba, & Thiam, 2010). Unfortunately, this energy potential is not fully applied by the local industries or cooperatives, which would be benefit for local economy. Therefore, the objective of this project is to evaluate the feasibility of solar-powered sesame oil production, taking in consideration real conditions of medium and small scale enterprises in rural areas of Burkina Faso.

Fig. 1. Sesame stalks, pod and seeds (taken in Burkina Faso)..jpg

Fig. 1. Sesame stalks, pod and seeds.

Current sesame oil production in Burkina Faso

Mechanical oil extraction done using a screw press is still considered as a new technology in rural areas in Burkina Faso. The existing oil press runs with big capacity and high power requirement as shown in Fig. 2. The oil press available in Burkina Faso was imported from China and is commonly provided for industrial scale with up to 100 tons capacity of sesame seeds per year. The oil press is run by an electric motor with power requirement from 7 to 15 kW, and has been used for extracting soybean and sesame oil with hourly capacity between 80 and 500 kg/h. Therefore, only some big scale oil producers or women's cooperative can afford to purchase and operate the machine.


Fig. 2. Common plant oil production in Burkina Faso at industrial scale.

The use of solar-powered oil press through photovoltaic panels to extract vegetable oil still requires research under laboratory conditions and further on-field experience. Before implementation of the system on the field, the specifications of solar components such as batteries, charge controller and inverter need to be previously defined. Moreover, the performance of the system under different extreme weather conditions at the local areas has to be estimated.

Testing bench for a solar-powered oil press

Oil press KK 20 F (Kern Kraft oil press GmbH & Co. KG, Reut, Germany) with a capacity up to 20 kg/h, which is suitable for small- and medium-scale cooperatives, was used. The pressing experiment conducted at the University of Hohenheim aimed to characterize the oil press. See Fig. 3.


Fig. 3. Sesame oil production using a small-scale oil press.

After the identification of the machine performance, the suitable solar components such as solar rechargeable batteries, inverter and charge controller were defined through a simulation study. By using the weather data from the target areas, the performance of solar-powered oil production in terms of capacity, running time, SOC of battery was simulated. The simulation was carried out using MATLAB R2017 (The Mathworks Inc, Massachusetts, USA).

The results obtained from the simulation were validated using a testing bench of a solar-powered oil press developed at University of Hohenheim (see Fig. 4). The PV-panels were represented by a PV-simulator. The simulator generated electricity according to the weather data in the target area. Moreover, the simulator could enable any “field test” of the solar-powered oil press under various weather scenarios throughout the year in different areas in Burkina Faso.


Fig. 4. Testing bench of a solar-powered oil press for sesame seeds developed at University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

In order to investigate the solar oil pressing performance, three different operation scenarios were developed as follows:

  • Scenario 1: The oil press runs at an optimum high screw speed for 24 hours non-stop.
  • Scenario 2: The oil press runs at an optimum high screw speed during the day and continues running in the night with low speed.
  • Scenario 3: The oil press runs at an optimum high screw speed during the day, but it is stopped during the night.

Oil quality in the interest of EU importation

Figure 5 presents sesame oil produced from the solar-powered oil press and oil from Burkina Faso available in European market. Quality parameters of the oil such as free fatty acid, peroxide value, vitamin E, oxidation stability and water content were analyzed. It was found that the quality of sesame oil produced from the solar-powered oil press was comparable with the sesame oil sold in European market and fulfilled the EU standard requirements.


Fig. 5. Sesame oil produced from the solar-powered oil press (left) and oil from Burkina Faso available in a European market.

Collaboration partners

  • GIZ Powering agriculture
  • ProCIV Project, GIZ Burkina Faso
  • University of Hohenheim, Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics
  • Institut des Sciences Exactes et Appliquées (ISEA), Université Polytechnique de Bobo-Dioulasso
  • Centre de Recherche en Sciences Biologiques Alimentaires et Nutritionnelles (CRSBAN), Universté Ouaga I, Pr Joseph KI-ZERBO

System profitability

The price of sesame seeds is one of the most important factors determining the profitability of the system and varies depending on the season. During harvest season, the price for one kg of sesame seeds is 0.91 EUR, while during low season the price can be up to 3.04 EUR. The retail price for one liter of sedimented and filtered sesame oil is 5.33 and 7.62 EUR, respectively. Solar-powered sesame oil production on 16 February 2017 with regard to solar energy availability in Bobo-Dioulasso is presented in Fig. 6. During harvest season of sesame, the highest solar radiation could be beyond 1000 W/m2. The moisture content of sesame seeds was 8%. The total running time during the day was 15 h and during the time, 200 kg of sesame seeds were pressed and 78.5 L of sesame crude oil was produced. The maximum power requirement was 900 W.


Fig. 6. Solar-powered sesame oil production using PV-simulator in Burkina Faso.

Running the solar-powered oil press only during harvest season from October to March was the most profitable operation (See Fig. 7), due to low price of sesame seeds. Under optimum condition, the return of investment can be achieved within one year.


Fig. 7. Preliminary economic analysis of solar powered sesame oil production during harvest season.

Future prospects

The use of photovoltaic energy to run the oil press for sesame seeds in Burkina Faso has been seen not only a sustainable and profitable way to produce electricity but also a cost effective one. It has been found that this unit shows a big potential not only to be highly profitable, but also to create job opportunities in rural areas. Moreover, another important elements for providing economic viability and sustainability of the solar-powered unit also lies on the oil quality with regard to exportation.

Implementation of solar oil pressing with a small scale capacity at a women's cooperative is suggested. Solar-powered oil production can be also performed for other oilseeds such as groundnuts, cotton seeds and many more.


Azoumah, Y., Ramdé, E. W., Tapsoba, G., & Thiam, S. (2010). Siting guidelines for concentrating solar power plants in the Sahel: Case study of Burkina Faso. Solar Energy, 84(8), 1545-1553.

FAO. (2014). Analyse des incitations par les prix pour le sesame au Burkina Faso. In M. A. A. Guissou r., Sawadogo D., Zala M. (Ed.), (pp. 56). Rome.

Guissou R., I. F., Oula D., Diendere A., Morou D. (2012). Analyse des incitations et penalisation par le sesame au Burkina Faso. In s. n. technique (Ed.), (pp. 34): SPAAA, FAO.

Ouedraogo, B. I., Kouame, S., Azoumah, Y., & Yamegueu, D. (2015). Incentives for rural off grid electrification in Burkina Faso using LCOE. Renewable Energy, 78, 573-582.