Mozambique Nano/Mini Grid Hub

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Nano/Mini Grid hub Mozambique

One-stop destination for all information related to mini/nano grid in Mozambique
Simple World Map - Author: Al MacDonald Editor: Fritz Lekschas License: CC BY-SA 3.0 ID: ISO 3166-1 or "_[a-zA-Z]" if an ISO code is not available


Here, you can find all information related to nano/mini-grids in Mozambique. For more information on the energy sector of Mozambique, check out the Mozambique Energy Portal! Join the Mozambique Energy Community and become a RE advocate in Mozambique! Do you also have a project case study or any programme document that you want to share? You can upload it directly by clicking here or mail it to to feature on this page.

  • Introduction to Mini-grids
  • Mini-grids Operation Models
  • All Information on Mini-grids
  • Energy Access in Mozambique
  • RE Potential in Mozambique
Mini-grid Market Assessment
  • Market Landscape
  • Market Size & Ongoing Projects
  • Consumer Insights
  • Challenges and opportunities for private sector
Doing Business
  • Setting up a Business
  • Financing for private sector
  • End-user Financing
  • Policy & Regulatory Environment
  • Tariffs and Subsidies
Case Studies
  • Financial Feasibility Scenario
  • Case Study 1
  • Case Study 2
  • ....

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Get Involved

Add your company/organization to the Mozambique Stakeholder Database
Do you have a case study to feature on this portal? Visit our Case Study Info Page for more details or send us your case study proposal to

Join the Mozambique Off-grid Practitioners Group


Funded and developed in collaboration with the GIZ programme Green People’s Energy for Africa to enhance knowledge exchange and sharing among the energy practitioners in Mozambique.

GIZ-BMZ logo.png