Financing & Funding for Renewable Energy Projects - Publications

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Financing renewable energy in developing countries: Drivers and barriers for private finance in sub-Saharan Africa
2012, United Nations Environment Programme - Finance Initiative

The Impacts of Policy on the Financing of Renewable Projects: A Case Study Analysis
2011, Uday Varadarajan, David Nelson, Brendan Pierpont, Morgan Hervé-Mignucci

Investing in Renewable Energy in the MENA Region: Financier Perspectives
2011, Kirsty Hamilton

Scaling up Renewable Energy in Developing Countries: Finance and Investment Perspectives
2010, Kirsty Hamilton

Finance for Renewable Energy: An Empirical Analysis of Developing and Transition Economies
2010, Christa N. Brunnschweiler

Private Financing of Renewable Energy
2010, SEFI

Why Clean Energy Public Investment Makes Economic Sense - The Evidence Base
2009, SEFI

Financing Mechanisms and Public/Private Risk Sharing Instruments for Financing Small Scale Renewable Energy Equipment and Projects
2007, SEFI

Mobilizing Finance for Renewable Energy
2004, SEFI

Financial Risk Management Instruments for Renewable Energy Projects
2007, SEFI

A Guide to the Financial Evaluation of Investment Projects in Energy Supply

GIZ, Fink, Oehlert


The Micro-energy Final Assessment Tool (MEFAT)
A tool that can be used by financial institutions, consultants, NGOs and governmental institutions for the comparison of energy relevant projects during project planning or for the assessment of a project after its implementation.

MHP-Financial Feasibility Analysis Tool
The tool enables operators to run different project scenarios, e.g. different cost estimates and financing conditions, and thereby to get a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their projects. In addition, the proposals based on the tool incorporate financial indicators required by local banks to decide on credit approvals.

Renewable Energy Financial Instrument Tool (REFINe)
An interactive Web tool that helps users better understand experiences with financial instruments to scale up renewable energy technologies. The tool can be used to identify financial instruments that can be used to overcome user specified project risks and barriers, or to identify project risks and barriers that have been addressed by a specific financial instrument in the past.

An Excel-based clean energy project analysis software tool that helps decision makers quickly and inexpensively determine the technical and financial viability of potential renewable energy, energy efficiency and cogeneration projects.

A powerful tool for designing and analyzing hybrid power systems, which contain a mix of conventional generators, combined heat and power, wind turbines, solar photovoltaics, batteries, fuel cells, hydropower, biomass and other inputs.


UNEP Collaborating Centre for Sustainable Energy & Climate Finance (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)
Institute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI)