SE4JOBS: Training Workshop - Local Value and Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

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Training Workshop: Local Value and Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Date 26-27 October 2015


Middle management/expert level from Egypt institutions in  related policy fields; private sector representatives; scientific community
Location Sonesta Hotel, Cairo, Egypt


The SE4JOBS Project was launched in 2014 as a collaborative effort of six GIZ projects: the regional project RE-ACTIVATE and five sector projects dealing with different aspects of sustainable energy and socio-economic development. It also involves distinguished external experts and key partners of GIZ, especially from <g class="gr_ gr_108 gr-alert gr_spell undefined ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" id="108" data-gr-id="108">adelphi</g> and the FFU. RE-ACTIVATE serves as a coordinator and "secretariat" of SE4JOBS.

The SE4JOBS Project aims to federate and integrate available worldwide experience on how to strengthen the link between local socio-economic development and sustainable energy technologies. The focus is on local employment and income creation. The goal is to provide a set of specific, application-oriented instruments and recommendations helping policy makers and practitioners to develop better policy approaches and institutional settings for an optimal valorization of the socio-economic effects of sustainable energy technologies

In the first phase, the SE4JOBS project targets three countries, namely Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. The development of the Toolbox was supported by workshops in Rabat, Tunis, Eschborn/Germany, and Beirut in 2015. The workshop in Cairo was another milestone on this way.

Objective of the Training Workshop

  • Introduction to the Toolbox: aim, <g class="gr_ gr_112 gr-alert gr_gramm undefined Punctuation replaceWithoutSep" id="112" data-gr-id="112">and;structure</g>
  • Application  of  the  toolbox  to  the  case  of  Egypt:  identification  and  assessment  of  key questions and challenges for a cost-effective and quality-based roll-out of sustainable energy
  • Collection  of  insights  and  recommendations  on  how  to  harness  Egypt’s  job  and  potential in the field of sustainable energy
  • Inform  the  development  of  an   that  will  offer  possible  pathways  for strengthening the socio-economic benefits of sustainable energy in the country

Agenda 26. - 27.10.2015

First Day

09:00 – 09:30

09:30 – 11:00  Opening of the workshop, welcome of participants

Setting the scene–Opportunities and challenges of Egypt’s sustainable energy policy, with a particular focus on local value and employment

Kristin Meyer, GIZ, Germany
Ahmed Badr, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)

[[File:SE4Jobs Project Introduction.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

 11:30 – 12:15

SE4 JOBS Toolbox Introduction: Objectives, structure, content
Klaus Jacob, FFU

[[File:SE4Jobs Toolbox Introduction.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

' '12:15 – 12:30

 Module "Assesment'(1): Exploring the issues relevant to the assessment of the RE sector in Egypt 

  • Assessment: Background, and good practice options 

Klaus Jacob, FFU

[[File:SE4Jobs Toolbox Good Practice Analysis.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

' '13:15 – 14:45

 'Module "Assesment'(2): 

  • Participant  which capacities are needed to assess current employment capacities along the value chain 
  • Presentation of a tool to assess employment <g class="gr_ gr_113 gr-alert gr_gramm undefined Punctuation replaceWithoutSep" id="113" data-gr-id="113">capacities:GIZ's</g> and ELMA

'Dennis Tänzler/KarolinBlattmann,

Moderated discussion

Johanna Jagnow/Kristin Meyer, GIZ

[[File:Tool GIZ ELMA.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

[[File:Tool GIZ EQuIP.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

' '15:00 – 16:45

Module “Actors”: Discuss the roles and responsibilities for strategic planning

  •  Actors: background, <g class="gr_ gr_110 gr-alert gr_gramm undefined Punctuation only-ins replaceWithoutSep" id="110" data-gr-id="110">issues</g> and good practice options

Klaus Jacob, FFU

  •  Presentation of selected tools to responsibilities for capacity building in the RE sector
  •  Group work

'Dennis Tänzler'/<g class="gr_ gr_115 gr-alert gr_spell undefined ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" id="115" data-gr-id="115">Karolin</g> Blattman,

Output of this session: Overview of actors and responsibilities engaged in RE employment in Egypt

[[File:SE4Jobs Toolbox Module Actors.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

' '16:45 – 17:00
 Recap and feedback

Second Day 

09:00 – 10:30

 Module “Strategic Planning”: Learn about indicators to measure policy progress

  •  Strategic Planning: background,  and good practice options

Klaus Jacob, FFU

  •  Presentation of a tool on monitoring policy progress: IRENA’s Evaluating RE
  •  Which capacities are needed to establish and maintain monitoring and evaluation systems?

Dennis Tänzler/'Karolin'B'alttman; Moderated discussion

[[File:SE4Jobs Toolbox Module Strategic Planning.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

10:30 – 11:00
 Module “Policies and Instruments” (1): Develop suitable approaches to promote employment in Egypt based on existing structures
  •  Policies and Instruments: background,  and good practice options

Klaus Jacob, FFU 

[[File:SE4Jobs Toolbox Module Policies.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

 11:30 – 12:30

Module “Policies and Instruments” (2)

  •  Presentation of instruments and Egyptian activities for qualification, competence building and training in the RE sector
  • Which instruments are suitable to support training of a skilled workforce in the various segments of the RE value chain in Egypt?

Rana Yacoub, KfW
Yasser A. Khalil, Cairo University
Abdelrahman Fatoum, TU Berlin – German Science Centre Cairo

Output of this session: Entry points for qualification, competence building and training along the RE value chain in Egypt

[[File:Approach KfW ITEC.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

[[File:Approach Cairo Univ REMENA.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

[[File:Approach TU Berlin MSc Engineering Presentation.pdf|thumb|Add caption here]]

 12:30 – 13:00

 Recap and evaluation

  • Synthesis of workshop outputs
  • Discussion of potential next steps

Dennis Tänzler/<g class="gr_ gr_111 gr-alert gr_spell undefined ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" id="111" data-gr-id="111">Karolin</g> Blattmann,

Participant List and Report

Participants' List
Workshop Report Cairo

Main Conclusions

  • This training workshop in Cairo has been the first of its kind and can be seen as the starting point for follow-up regional workshops and discussion on the topic of Local Value and Employment through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
  • The regular meetings and workshops will address specific sub-topics and key questions to be found in the SE4JOBS Toolbox and how to assess the jobs of existing policies
  • The workshop has proved once again that bringing different stakeholders on the same table is a key issue to tackle this complex issue