Transfer of Technology - Hydro Power

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General issues on importing and licensing

Importing equipment may be difficult.
gtz is principally freed from any import tax for project equipment. Getting items out of custom custody can still be difficult. Ask experienced colleagues how to proceed in your country. Engage experienced importers.

Manufacturers list -general- :

Available MHP Turbine / Controller designs / licenses:

Pico Hydro Power design:

PAT (Pump as Turbine) -freeware-

Firefly -freeware-
A extensive description how to produce and install a pico hydro turbine.

Micro Hydro Power design:

1 - 5 kW Crossflow turbine, TP100 -shareware-
<see picture under pico hydro power>

Mini Hydro Power Turbine design:

25 - 250 kW Crossflow Turbine, T15, -licensing-
contact: Gerhard Fischer,

ELC - Electric Load Controller design:

Pico hydro load controller, Hummingbird -freeware-

The Hummingbird controller is one part of the firefly concept, a pico-pelton-turbine.
Jan Portegijs,

Electronic  load controller, 1- 250 kW  -eventually licensing- / Indonesia (contact via