Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.)

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Bienvenues au Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D.)

<img class="illu" src="" alt="Programme Energies Durables" width="800" height="329">

Le Programme Energies Durables (P.E.D) est un appui du Ministère fédéral allemand de la coopération économique et du développmement (BMZ) à l'Etat du Sénégal.. En savoir plus...

SustainableEnergy teal.svg Volet 1: Politique


link3=Volet 2: Formation professionnelle


link3=Volet 3: Efficacité énergétique


ValueChain blue.svgVolet 5: Electrification rurale


EnergyEfficiency blue.svgEnergy Efficiency

The world’s first fuel is energy efficiency, key to protect natural resources and the climate. Identifying and solving efficiency gaps is crucial for sustainable development.

PoliciesRegulations blue.svgPolicies and Regulations

The adoption of clean energy solutions can improve considerably when governmental action and regulations provide clear incentives and complement market development.

Financingteal.svgFinancing and Business Models

As financing is usually the main barrier to gain access to innovative sustainable technologies, both appropriate financial instruments and thoughtful business models are necessary to promote and finance sustainable innovations.

Crosscutting icon.svgCross-cutting Issues

The linkages between water, energy and agriculture impact a multitude of cross-cutting issues, such as gender, health and land rights.

Blank icon.svgDownloads and Links             

All links for reports, case studies, innovations, tools and useful training material can be found here.

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