Case Studies Overview of the Nigeria Off-Grid Solar Knowledge Hub

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The following case studies delve into the approaches taken by Nigerian practitioners in designing solar off-grid interventions. By clicking on the title or the image, you will be taken to the respective case study.

LiteDey Systen Solution Local Solutions Lab Green Business Area
This case study about LiteDey Standalone Solar Solution describes a lease-to-own business model developed by CREEDS, specifically targeting MSMEs in peri-urban and urban areas. This case study describes the approach of a Local Solutions Lab developed by the Clean Technology Hub. They used a design-thinking approach to identify community needs and solutions. This case study describes the Green Business Area, an approach to delivering solar off-grid electricity to local rural businesses while supporting their growth, developed by GERES.
Gbamu Gbamu Mini Grid Koolhome by Koolboks Nasarawa Mini Gridss by Husk
This case study focuses on the socio-economic impacts and inclusion aspects of one of the first mini grids installed in the off-grid rural community Gbamu Gbamu in Nigeria. It also describes the operational and business models, and the potential for replication. This case study describes the Koolhome pay-as-you-go enabled solar-powered refrigeration solution, and how the business and financing model evolved to meet local market needs in Nigeria. This case study looks at Husk Power Systems experiences to date in Nigeria, specifically in the deployment of solar hybrid mini grids in 35 isolated off-grid communities since 2021.

A total of 10 case studies will be developed as part of the PeopleSuN project.