Micro Hydro Power (MHP) Troubleshooting Poster for Operators in Indonesia (GIZ Indonesia, September 2012)
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GIZ Indonesia, as part of EnDev Indonesia, has been supporting the sustainability of micro-hydro power (MHP) installations in Indonesia since 2006. As part of these efforts, capacity building initiatives for Village Management Committees (VMC) are conducted, along with the distribution of a range of information materials (e.g. operator log book, treasurer cash book, etc). One such information materials is an A0 full colour poster depicting, in the form of a flowchart, the basic operational troubleshooting steps that an MHP operator can perform.
- The image below shows the English version of the poster.
- The image below shows field surveyor Mr Ari Bimo Prakoso, GIZ Indonesia, handing over a poster to an MHP operator in Sumatera, Indonesia.