Financial Instruments in the Netherlands

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The brochure Business opportunities abroad and financial support, provides an overview of Dutch grant programmes and financial support facilities for renewable energy in developing countries.

Many of the programmes are managed by NL Agency which, after the merger between a/o SenterNovem and the Dutch international trade agency EVD, now combines instruments and grant programs for development, energy and climate under one roof.

The brochure lists also dedicated energy and access instruments from FMO and insurance options from Atradius. Many of the NL Agency instruments are of a generic nature, i.e. they are open for energy projects but not exclusively targeting these. Some are of a specific nature as e.g. the Daeij Ouwens Fund for energy access. The grant programs are not all fully financed by the Minister for Development Cooperation, but also include export promotion instruments from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The brochure therefore includes both untied ODA instruments and "tied" economic (non-ODA) instruments.