Micro Hydro Power (MHP) Troubleshooting Poster for Operators in Indonesia

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GIZ Indonesia, as part of EnDev Indonesia, has been supporting the sustainability of micro-hydro power (MHP) installations in Indonesia since 2006. As part of these efforts, capacity building initiatives for 'Village Management Team (VMT) are conducted, along with the distribution of a range of information materials (e.g. operator log book, treasurer cash book, etc).One critical component of ensuring micro hydro power (MHP) scheme sustainability is to minimize disturbance in the system operation. In community managed MHP system in rural area, local operator had responsibility to maintain the system. In GIZ/EnDev II program in Indonesia, local operator had been trained by MHP-TSU in order to understand basic knowledge of MHP working principle.

During training, operator had been equipped with log book to record technical events and manual book. Due to cultural habit and technical experience factor, manual book is not user friendly enough to be used in times of trouble. GIZ/EnDev II had designed a MHP Troubleshooting Poster to disseminate troubleshooting knowledge in easily accessible way. Another advantage of poster format is that by displaying the poster in powerhouse, operator will be more likely to read the troubleshooting poster in case of damage.

The poster was designed in MSPowerPoint, in order to facilitate easy revision and translation. Current version is available in English and Bahasa Indonesia and can be dowloaded below.


GIZ Indonesia - MHP Troubleshooting Poster

Figure 1 [1]

On September 2012, several MHP troubleshooting posters had been distributed. According to an operator testimony, instead of reading it in a book format, it is more easier to read it in poster format.The image below shows field surveyor Mr Ari Bimo Prakoso, GIZ Indonesia, handing over a poster to an MHP operator in Sumatera, Indonesia.

MHP Operator in Bengkulu, Indonesia received MHP Troubleshooting Poster (in Bahasa Indonesia) from GIZ / EnDev II

Further Information


  1. Concept and design by: Ari Bimo Prakoso and Robert Schultz, in collaboration with: Amalia Suryani and Thomas Strobel | ENDEV Indonesia © 2012fckLR