Energy Transition in Taiwan

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Energy Transition in Taiwan: Current Situation and Goals

Taiwan is ongoing its energy transition. The transiton will highlight a rapid growth of renewable electricity capacity and generation, but many other sectors such as transportation, building, and industry sectors will also be involved. The goal of this transition process is to ultimately meet the Taiwan's own Intended National Determined Contribution published in 2015[1], which stated that compared to 2005, annual carbon emission should be reduced by 20% by 2030. This is a reduction of about 53 Million tonnes of CO2 eq.

Compared to other East Asia countries, this goal is quite ambitious. For example, South Korea only promised  to tame its annual carbon emission to around 535 Million tonnes of CO2 eq by 2030, which is roughly the same level as 2005[2]. However, many of the policy goals in different sectors still lack integration between governmental departments and also concrete measures before 2020[3].

Energy Transition in Taiwan: Electricity Sector

Renewable Capacity Expansion Plans

The following sources of renewable energy are planned to increase capacity significantly by 2025: solar, offshore wind, biogas, onshore wind, and geothermal. Below is a chart of the goals of expansion, adapted from Renewables are blooming; is the power system ready? A Prognosis on Residual Load Flexibility in Taiwan by 2025.

Type of Renewables
Current Capacity (as of 15.11.2017)
Planned Capacity by 2025
Solar 1.286GW 20GW
Onshore Wind 0.682GW 1.2GW
Offshore Wind 0.136GW 5.5GW
Biogas 0.741GW 0.813GW
Geothermal 0GW 0.2GW

Goals of the Sector

The goal of short term carbon emission reduction in the energy sector is to be tamed at around 32.305 MtCO2e by 2020, which would be roughly the same as in 2005 (but slightly increased when compared to 2015)[4]

In the recent years, coal use in electrcity generation stagnates at around 45%. The government promised that the share of coal use in electricty generation peaks in 2017, and by 2020 it will be tamed at no more than 43%[5].

In the mid term, the goal of renewable sources in electricity generation share is 20% by 2025. Meanwhile, coal use is to be reduced to 30%, compared to 45% in 2016. The carbon emission intensity of electricity generation is to be reduced from 0.529 kg CO2 eq/kWh in 2016 to 0.395 kg CO2 eq/kWh by 2025[6]

Prognosis of Residual Load and Re-dispatchment Schemes

According to the International Energy Agency, there are four phases of integrating variable renewables onto the grid[7]. With about 1% of electricity generated by solar and wind, Taiwan is currently in the first phase, when grid integration is still not a major problem for renewable energy sources.

However, if 20GW of solar is installed as planned by 2025, the residual load curve will change drastically and Taiwan will enter phase two of VRE integration. By then, conventional power plants will have to vary their output accordingly. Also, the risk of congestion in transmission lines must be analyze beforehand, and weak spots in the power system must be strengthened in prior.

Below is the power output curve a possible re-dispatchment scheme may result to by summer 2025[8].The hard coal power plants might have to ramp more flexibly inthe future in order to adjust to the residual load variations, and this result to a reduction of coal use to around 26% in this scenario. The carbon emission intensity in this scenario was 0.396 kg CO2 eq/kWh, very close to the policy goal.

While wind power is weaker in summer, it will be more stronger in winter. Since the solar radiation in southern Taiwan remains strong even in winter, the first negative residaul load events would probably happen in winter. By then Taiwan would have to start dealing with phase three problems described by IEA.

Energy Transition in Taiwan: Transportation Sector

The Taiwanese government has pledged to ban combustion engine motorcycles by 2035 and cars by 2040[9]. This will be done by the electrification of the entire sector. Recent studies from energy policies experts and power system operators showed the impact of this electrification to electricity demand is very limited (less than 6% of current value), but if well implemented it will increase the flexibility of the power system as a whole (since parking electric vechicles can be a potential storage option)[10].

In the short term, diesel engine vehicles will be the very first to be regulated and banned. In the local level, some cities are already banning there vehicles the right to access certain areas[11].

Energy Transition in Taiwan: Building Sector

Energy efficiency will be highly promoted in the building sector. For example, governmental buildings are usually ill-performed regarding its energy usage intensity[12], and the governmental goal is to improve the efficiency of these buildings such that they perform in line with the official EUI standards[13].

However, energy experts and building energy analysts criticized the lack of concrete implementation regarding this sector, and doubt if the goals can truly be achieved.

Energy Transition in Taiwan: Industrial Sector

Other Related Issues

Divestment from Fossil Fuel

The government promised to reveal the total amount of public subsidy towards fossil fuel industries. It also promised to reveal the public investment portfolio in high carbon emission industries. These are essential steps that should eventually lead to a divestment movement, as seen in Ireland[14] and New York[15]A nationalwide divestment movement might become more possible when the ongoing divestment movement at the campus of National Taiwan University[16] gains concrete results and therefore demonstrates the feasibility of such strategy to others on the island. 

Participatory Democracy


  1. 中華民國(臺灣)「國家自定預期貢獻」,
  2. South Korea Climate Tracker,
  3. 加速建構轉型量能,邁向深度低碳社會 「溫室氣體減量推動方案」研擬建議,
  4. 第一期溫室氣體階段管制目標,
  5. 燃煤電廠將減少運轉,經部改口2020年燃煤佔比降至43%,
  6. 「能源轉型 減污減碳」 記者會 ,
  7. Getting Wind and Sun onto the Grid,
  8. "Flexibility, Residual Load , & Re-dispatchment",
  9. 賴揆:2035機車全面電動化 2040汽車全面電動化,
  10. 【2040電動車化】供電受影響? 台電估:全部電動車化也不怕,
  11. 二行程機車及老舊柴油車,7 月起北市特定區域無法行駛!,
  12. In this article, it was revealed that a campus library has an EUI 72.5% higher than the official standard.
  13. 溫室氣體減量推動方案(草案),
  14. Ireland is completely divesting from fossil fuels,
  15. New York city divest from fossil fuel,
  16. 臺大學生會永續部對校長候選人之校務基金應採責任投資之訴求,