Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources

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Innovating Energy Access for Remote Areas: Discovering Untapped Resources


With investors pouring $244 billion in 2012 into clean energy globally, it is shocking that energy poverty continues to plague nearly half the world's population (UNEP-FS, 2013). The idea that innovative approaches can work with previously underutilized or unrecognized resources is central to this symposium, as this may lead to the development of successful and sustainable energy access programs.Such untapped resources may be seen in the discovering of synergies within areas such as business delivery models, pre-existing parallel service infrastructures, supply chain and value chain management, natural resource availability, financing schemes, leap frog technologies, policy and governance, and more.

Sustainable solutions demand the balanced inclusion of technical, financial, human, institutional and natural resource capital to be effective. In this light the symposium brings together scientists from social sciences, economics, natural sciences and engineering to discuss their research results concerning decentralized energy supply and sustainable delivery models. We have also encouragedpractitioners (e.g. project developers, implementers, entrepreneurs) in this field to share their experiences.


It is the stated goal of the symposium to present leading concepts surrounding microenergy systems and energy access issues on an international scale and to highlight particularly innovative topics within the current global energy access discourse. We aim to set an impulse for discussion by a broad and international public audiencefor through direct presentation, intensive discussion, and keynote speeches. The participants will include professors, doctoral and post-doctoral students, private-sector representatives, prominent political figures and eminent researchers from the Global South. Furthermore, cutting edge research from the EntDekEn Project co-initated by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research will be presented, focusing on how decarbonization in developing countries can be investigated in an equitable way that also contributes to poverty reduction.

In Cooperation with:
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Scholarships provided by:
MES Berkley Scholarship Sponsors.png