Demonstration Green Kindergarten Design
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Demonstration Green Kindergarten Design
Client: Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Financier: GGGI Consultant: Green Building Council (Institute) and Building Technology LLC Location: 25th Khoroo, Songinokhairkhan District, Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia
Funding: State Budget (tentative)Project No.
Total Budget

2015/11/15 - 2017/04/01
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Location in Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar {{#display_point: coordinates=48.0764544, 106.5882667|zoom=4|height=150|width=250|service=openlayers}}
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In June 2014, the State Ikh Khural of Mongolia adopted the National Green Development Policy (NGDP) as a key effort to diversify its economy and deliver economic growth that is socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable. The NGDP sets out ambitious targets and policy measures through 2030 that includes climate change adaptation and mitigation targets alike. Specifically targeting the construction sector, the NGDP aims to reduce building heat loss by 20% in 2020 and 30% by 2030 and to increase the share of expenditures for green development in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 2% and 3% respectively.
Since the adoption of the NGDP, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) has assisted the Government of Mongolia (GoM) to accelerate the development and implementation of its green development policy and plans. In the areas of energy, water and public buildings, GGGI convenes various stakeholders to support targeted research, capacity building, knowledge exchange, and project development.
In response to the government’s request to help re-imagine public buildings, GGGI supported the development of implementation strategies that will help to achieve key public building related objectives outlined in the NGDP, through development of a model green kindergarten design, engineering-procurement-construction guidelines, and capacity building for multiple stakeholders. At the request of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, and in cooperation with GGGI, the Green Technology Center – Korea (GTC-K) in 2015 carried out a preliminary design and technology assessment for educational facilities in urban area, upon which GGGI and the government refined and finalized the model design. The government’s model kindergarten design includes resource efficient technical specifications, investment options, and recommendations to integrate green building principles into the national public procurement system for further scale-up.
Pushing further this agenda in 2016, GGGI partnered with the Mongolian Green Building Council NGO (MGBC) and Building Technologies LLC to explore in greater depth the actual options for green public buildings in Mongolia and refine the concept of green kindergarten within existing Mongolian building standards and codes, and its financing and incorporation to the procurement systems. This work, conducted under the leadership of MET with support from key sectoral ministries and agencies, consists of 5 inter-related components, as follows:
-Design and technology options analysis for a Green Public Kindergarten in Mongolia
-Capacity building of multiple stakeholders and Cost-Benefit analysis of green public kindergarten facilities
-Financing mechanisms for green public education buildings
-Final design, technology options and financing
-Adapting engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) to the green building principles