Do-It-Yourself – Solar Cooling Units
Project title
Do-It-Yourself – Solar Cooling Units
Project country/region
☐ East Asia & Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Carribean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ South Asia
☑ Sub-Saharan Africa - Kenya, Mali
Project organisation
University of Hohenheim funded by GIZ ‘Sustainable Energy for Food – Powering Agriculture’
Project description
The “Do-It-Yourself” - Solar Cooling Units technology, developed by the University of Hohenheim, promotes local production and cost reduction of small and medium-scale solar cooling systems for food value chains. With this approach, companies and entrepreneurs can design and produce small and medium scale solar cooling systems, only importing a few compounds from abroad while procuring most compounds from the domestic market. This allows for reduction of the final price of the technology, while creating local jobs. This way, entrepreneurs have the possibility to adapt the technology to the local market and offer distribution and maintenance under their own product brand. Nearly 150 men and women have so far been trained in Kenya and Mali. The DIY Solar Cooling Systems approach has been positively received, particularly because of its low cost and its potential to be adapted to local contexts.
Project related to following sources of energy
☑ Solar
☐ Biomass
☐ Biofuel
☐ Biogas
☐ Wind
☐ Geo-Thermal
☐ Hydro
☐ Energy Efficiency
☐ Other: /
Project primarily related to the following Commodity Groups
☐ Cereals
☐ Fruits and vegetables
☐ Nuts and berries
☐ Forage
☑ Dairy products
☐ Meat products
☐ Oil Seeds
☐ Roots and Tubers
☐ Eggs
☐ Pulses
☐ Fiber Crops
☐ Forestry
☐ Sugars
☐ Stimulants
☐ Spices
☑ Other: Fish
Project primarily related to the following Agricultural Value Chain Steps
☐ Mechanization
☐ Efficiency of Operation
☐ Processing
☐ Transportation
☐ Controlled Atmosphere
☑ Controlled Temperature
☐ Mechanical Sorting
☑ Preservation
☐ Other: /
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