Download an Article

From energypedia

Download an Article

1. Go to the article you wish to download.

2. Click on the "wrench" icon on the bottom left corner. A pop up will appear. Choose "Printable version".

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3. Another pop up will appear, you can either print this page or under destination, choose "Save to PDF" to save the page.

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Create a Book

With the book creator you can also create a book containing various wiki articles of your choice. You can then export this book in different formats (for example PDF or ODF). The book creator not only allows you to compile various wiki pages in one document but also to include automatic table of content, bibliography as well as list of contributors.

1. To start the book creator, click on "Print/export" option on the left sidebar. A drop down menu (as in step 2 above) will open, click on "create a book". The following page will appear:

Book Creator.jpg

2. Click on the green box which says "Start book creator".You will be redirected to the last page you visited and a new box appears at the top of the page:

Book Creator2.jpg

3. Now you can browse through and whenever you find an article that you want to add to your book, click on "Add this page to your book" in the book creator box at the top of the page. If you accidentally added an article to your book, you can remove it by clicking "Remove this page from my book" .

Book Creator3.jpg

4. Once you have chosen all the pages you want to add to your book, click on "Show book" in the box at the top of the page. The following page opens:

Book Creator Manager (1).jpg

  • Here you can fill in the title as well as the subtitle of your book, which will appear on the front page of your document.
  • Furthermore this is where you can change the order in which the selected articles will appear in your book: use drag and drop to reorder the articles or click "sort alphabetically" if you wish your articles to appear in an alphabetic order.
  • By clicking "Create chapter", you can add chapters, which can also be reordered by drag and drop.
  • Clicking on the delete symbol next to the individual page names (see below left) allows you to delete selected articles from your book and clicking the text symbol (see below right) allows you to return to the original article pages.

Book Creator Manager Garbage.jpg Book Creator Manager show.jpg

  • You can also select whether you want to create a PDF or a ODT document by clicking on the drop down menu in the box "Download".

5. When you are done, click on "Download". After a few seconds, the following page will appear:

Book Creator Rendering.jpg

6. Click on the link "Download the file". The book will be downloaded and opened up automatically.

7.  To close the Book creater, click on the disable link.

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