Education and Labour Solutions for Renewable Energy in the Western Balkans

From energypedia

This project component focuses on advising vocational education and training organisations on the opportunities, needs and content requirements of vocational education and training for a renewable energy-based transition.

Outputs: Basics for vocational education and training (TVET) for RE

  • Analyze expected employment effects and skilled labor requirements of a RE- based energy transition
  • Roll-out an information campaign on professional perspectives and attractiveness of green jobs among the energy transition of Western Balkans
  • Together with vocational education and training institutions of the Western Balkan countries, develop a recommendation package consisting of regionally standardized learning contents and recommendations for the technical equipment of vocational education and training institutions for RE
  • Update skills & knowledge for a RE-based energy transition of existing RE specialists and representatives of further education institutions by means of pilot (master) trainings.
  • Development and piloting information campaigns with RE industry associations and chambers to promote good craftsmanship and technical quality to RE investors/end-users
  • Identify options for coal sector professionals to retrain for the energy transition ("RE qualification") and advise organizations for professional development


  • Two gender-sensitive information campaigns on the opportunities, needs and content requirements of vocational education and training for the energy transition were carried out by national or regional VET organisations in three WB countries
  • Three VET organisations from three WB countries have developed in regional exchanges a package of recommendations on education and training for a RE-based energy transition.

Main Activities

  • Analyse expected employment effects and skilled workers’ needs of a RE-based energy transition, conceptualise information campaign
  • Develop a package of recommendations with vocational education and training institutions in the WB
  • Develop an information campaign with RE-industry associations together with NGOs and identify options for re-skilling (i.e. fossil fuel based extraction/generation)

Expected Impacts

  • VET organisations are familiar with the opportunities, needs and content requirements of education and training for an energy transition based on renewable energies.