Energy Saving Need of the Hour – Start Your Action

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Energy Saving Need of the Hour – Start Your Action

With the present and the future exponential growth of energy demand, it is the essential need of the hour to concentrate strongly on energy conservation, rather than generating. To make reality to conserve energy, a group of energy experts connected together and formed green research community named The Institution of Green Engineers (IGEN) and started action on Green SDG Goals.

The IGEN works towards achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals (3,4,6,7,9,11,12,13 & 17), strives to be a part of Government policy drafting as a solution provider, develops Innovative products under Make in India initiatives which leads to a sustainable Greener world and organizes innumerable activities through VIBBGGYOR society. Many like-minded groups are connected together to achieve global goals.

IGEN initiated the following action and resulted good outcome in energy conservation

IGEN GREEN9 ENSAV CLUB : The  IGEN GREEN9 started Energy Saving Awareness Club (EnSAv Club), #igengreen9ensavclub to propagate efficient usage of energy and to educate the society on climate change issues in the fore coming years. The first club inaugurated at Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute in year 2016 and in action twenty fourth club at Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology. The Energy Conservation campaign and implementation action progressed through this 23 ENSAC Clubs and outcome more than one million awareness and saving of 0.2 million unit. Witness at

IGEN GREEN9MANTRAS : The  IGEN GREEN9 initialed Home Energy Conservation Research in the year 2014 to identify the important action to conserve energy at home. After successful execution of four pilot projects, it concluded 9 mantras to save one unit per day at home and named as #igengreen9mantras. This action started implementation and resulted five million awareness and created 100 percentage awareness in ten villages and 25 flats and action in progress now. Witness @ Club.html Club.html

IGEN MGR VISION10MW : The  IGEN MGR VISION10MW  initiated at Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute with the objective to save 10MW in ten years through effective energy audit and management. In this regard Pilot Project 1, Pilot Project 2 , Pilot Project 3, Pilot Project 4 were completed and Pilot Project 5 execution is under progress. The present status of work till June 2019 is the completion of 762 audits and submission of 270 recommendations to industries, residential houses, commercial buildings and institutions with the achievement of 38% savings outcome. Energy awareness talks were delivered to reach 25,000 general public. The reporting outcome concluded with 30 research paper publications in Scopus Search Engine and 20 Intermediate report in IGEN GREEN9 digital library. Witness @

IGEN ENERGY SAVE VIDEO CAMPAIGN : The Objective of this campaign is to promote #igengreen9mantras or #youridea  to save one unit per day in each home and to reach 200thousand  residents across the world. It was interesting that we received 500 nomination to present video and 65 videos were shortlisted to telecast in IGEN SDGplus Channel. The 65 participants across the globe participated in the final campaign and created 1L views and implementation in 10,000 homes. Witness @

IGEN ENERGY99CHALLENGE : The Objective of the project is to implement energy saving, #igengreen9mantras to 99 public in 99 days with outcome to save 36K Units per Year at home. Are you Ready to accept IGEN Energy99Challenge? Register with us @ . This project in action now. Witness @

'START YOU ACTION @ IGEN ONE ENERGY 3M BATTLE' : We are contributing back to the society through energy saving projects. We request you to start your own project action on energy conservation and update your project outcome @

Any support and help contact @ 

We Care Mother Earth
Dr L.Ramesh
President – The Institution of Green Engineers
Dean – Dr MGR Educational and research Institute

More details Visit