Environment and Climate Change Energy Expert

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Environment and Climate Change Energy Expert

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Job title
Environment and Climate Change Energy Expert
  • Kenya
Sub-Saharan Africa
Type of job
temporary contract
12 months
Climate Change
Language of description
Job description
Accountabilities & Functional responsibilities
  • As a member of the environment and climate change competency unit in Nairobi, identifies, tests, and promotes green technologies in energy management, energy efficiency (including diesel generator, solar systems and air conditioning system sizing), water efficiency and waste management for all ICRC sites participating in the sustainable delegation process;
  • Monitors industry best-practices in environmental management (energy, water & waste) identifies where improvements can be integrated to ICRC premises;
  • Conducts site-level energy audits following the defined methodology, analyzing energy data to determine energy consumption and defining measures to reduce that consumption, and develops business cases for energy efficiency solutions for ICRC premises;
  • Prioritizes the delegation to be supported by reviewing their energy emissions, water usage and waste management score and helps them to reduce it;
  • Supports green teams and premises teams globally to implement their environmental action plans;
  • Sensitizes delegations and staff in general to the risks associated with waste, particularly hazardous and plastic waste, and helps delegations understand the importance of waste management and data collection;
  • Supports ICRC premises in the procurement of green energy equipment ranging from market research, requests for quotations, and technical evaluation, and assists during their installation;
  • In cooperation with representatives of a delegation or field programmes, defines energy management or energy efficiency projects, including objectives, budget, and implementation plan;
  • Manages projects (including budget, deliverables, KPIs monitoring, stakeholders) to reduce fossil energy consumption of ICRC premises or operations;
  • With the support of the Environment and Climate Change Team Leader translates the ICRC’s energy efficiency strategy into guidelines and concrete projects, through the definition and implementation of a project charter and following project management best-practices;
  • Organizes or takes part in training to raise awareness of ICRC employees about environmental sustainability and energy management.
Full details: https://careers.icrc.org/job/Nairobi-%28NAI%29-Environment-and-Climate-Change-Energy-Expert-28327/1181443301/
Application deadline

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