Establishment of Local PV System Battery Testing Procedure

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Establishment of Local PV System Battery Testing Procedure

Title of Document Establishment of Local PV System Battery Testing Procedure
Abstract The overall objective of this Terms of Reference (TOR) is strengthening the capability of photovoltaic (PV) systems battery certification and testing. The consultant is supposed to provide recommendations for a technical standard and test procedures for certifying batteries to be used in PV sytems, inspect and address the current battery testing capabilities in the country, and prepare a TOR for strengthening the capability of the testing center.
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Language(s) English
Document Type Terms of Reference - Development of Specifications"Development of Specifications" is not in the list (Audits & Verification Services, Business Development, Business Models, Capacity Building, Contracts, Development of Specifications, Testing & Certification, Due Diligence, Economic & Financial Analysis, Elaboration of Supply Curves, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment, ...) of allowed values for the "REPRC type terms" property., Testing & Certification"Testing & Certification" is not in the list (Audits & Verification Services, Business Development, Business Models, Capacity Building, Contracts, Development of Specifications, Testing & Certification, Due Diligence, Economic & Financial Analysis, Elaboration of Supply Curves, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment, ...) of allowed values for the "REPRC type terms" property.
Technology Solar Photovoltaic (PV)
Connection Type Off-grid
