Event - Conference: Off-grid Energy Regulatory Framework: a Regional Perspective
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- Off-grid
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- Mozambique
This is an international event that will bring together more than 50 speakers from Mozambique, Uganda, Zambia, Kenya, the Netherlands, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany and Switzerland, with the aim of sharing the regulatory framework for access to energy in off-off-areasgrid with relevant regulatory bodies and associations, providing the exchange of experiences as well as creating opportunities for synergies in the off-grid energy sector in Africa and Mozambique.
During these two days, regulators, financiers and operators, participants in the off-grid and access to renewable energy sector, from Mozambique and other African countries, will present, discuss and recommend on the challenges and opportunities for the off-grid energy sectorgrid, as a viable solution to achieve the objectives of universal access to efficient and clean energy sources by 2030.
The event is free and will take place in hybrid format, with limited face-to-face capacity. If you wish to participate, register now!
Register here: https://aler-renovaveis.typeform.com/to/AXYYodm7