Event - IEA SHC Solar Academy: Solar Heating and Cooling Markets and Industry Trends(2)
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In addition, the enormous upheavals that have occurred in the Chinese solar thermal market in recent years will be presented.
The webinar will welcome the following three presentations:
- Werner Weiss (AEE INTEC, Austria): Solar Heat Worldwide - Solar Heating and Cooling Markets and Industry Trends in 2021
- Ruicheng Zheng (China Academy of Building Research, China): China - Developments in the World's Largest Market
- Bärbel Epp (solrico, Germany): - Global Solar Heat Industry: A Close Look into Business and Technology Trends
The webinar will be moderated by Pedro Dias, Secretary General of Solar Heat Europe. The webinar is organized by the Solar Academy of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Program and hosted by ISES, the International Solar Energy Society.
Important information about this webinar:
Please note that this webinar will consist of two elements - we will jointly watch the broadcast of the webinar presentations as they were held in the original webinar on June 21. After this, we will head into a live Q/A session moderated by Pedro Dias to answer your questions!
For this, two separate registrations will be necessary - one for the webinar broadcast and one for the live Q/A session - please read the instructions below on how to register.
To attend the broadcasted webinar:
- Register via the box on the left side of this homepage
- Join the webinar broadcast on 23 June at 6 AM GMT/UTC
To attend the live Q/A session:
- To attend the Q/A session after the broadcasted webinar, register via this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4896291728006256912