Financing Source: Seed Capital Assistance Facility (SCAF)

From energypedia

Last edited on 20/03/2023 by Kimberly Fahsold
(Date format: DD/MM/YYYY)

Key facts
SCAF provides financial support on a cost-sharing and co-financing basis via private equity funds, venture capital funds and project development companies through its three Support Lines. SCAF does not support individual projects on a one-off basis but rather looks into establishing a mid-term working relationship with the Cooperating Partners.
Type of financing
  • Equity
  • Other
Technology scope
  • SHS
  • Minigrid
  • Other
Target beneficiaries
Development companies active in the low-carbon sector, first-time fund managers, equity investors
Geographical scope
Sub Saharan Africa, South-East Asia
Rolling basis
Further information