Fuel Cells (PA Technology)

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Name of technology example: Type
Fuel Cells
Fuel Cell.jpg
☐ Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
Alternative Methodology
Description A fuel cell is a device that converts the chemical energy from a fuel into electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen or another oxidizing agent. Hydrogen is the most common fuel, but hydrocarbons such as natural gas and alcohols like methanol are used sometimes.

Beside stationary applications fuel-cells are also used to power vehicles, including tractors and forklifts.

In addition to electricity, fuel cells produce water and heat. Beside that, the emmisions are very low, mainly a very small amount of nitrogen dioxide. The electrical efficiency of a fuel cell is generally between 40–60%, using the waste heat the efficiency can go up to 85%.

Technology for the Application of
Solar ☐ Biomass ☐ Biofuel
☐ Biogas Wind ☐ Geo-Thermal
Hydro ☐ Energy Efficiency
Other: power generated with renewable resources
Primarily Relevant for the following Agricultural Value Chain Steps
☐ Mechanization ☐ Efficiency of Operation Processing
☐ Transportation ☐ Controlled Atmosphere ☐ Controlled Temperature
☐ Mechanical Sorting ☐ Preservation
Other: all steps, where combined power and heat or mobility are required
Primarily Relevant for the following Agricultural Value Chain Activities
☐ Grinding ☐ Hauling and conveying ☐ Sorting
☐ Seedbed Preparation ☐ Milling ☐ Tearing
☐ Planting ☐ Washing ☐ Mixing
☐ Pumping Heating Drying
☐ Irrigation ☐ Cooling ☐ Animal feeding
☐ Fertilizing ☐ Venting ☐ Animal health and Welfare
☐ Pest Management ☐ Lighting ☐ Packing and branding
☐ Cutting ☐ Sanitation
Other: all actions, where combined power and heat or mobility are required
Primarily Implemented in the following Commodity Groups
☐ Cereals ☐ Fruits and vegetables ☐ Nuts and berries
☐ Forage ☐ Dairy products ☐ Meat products
☐ Oil Seeds ☐ Roots and Tubers ☐ Eggs
☐ Pulses ☐ Fiber Crops ☐ Forestry
☐ Sugars ☐ Stimulants ☐ Spices
Other: all groups, where combined power and heat or mobility are required
Region & Country of

☐ Africa
☐ South Asia
☐ East Asia & The Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Caribbean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ N/A: /
Region & Country of
Current Deployment

☐ Africa
☐ South Asia
☐ East Asia & The Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Caribbean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ N/A: /
Region & Country of
Potential Deployment

☐ Africa
☐ South Asia
☐ East Asia & The Pacific
☐ Europe & Central Asia
☐ Latin America & The Caribbean
☐ Middle East & North Africa
☐ North America
☐ N/A: /
Manufacturers Here is a list of 200 companies related to fuel cell development or production: http://www.fuelcells.org/top_200.cgim?slug=
Economics In some specific applications, fuel cells are already economic at the given frame conditions (2014). Upcoming serial production will lower the cost of fuel cells and will probably allow a broader use with short payback times in many stationary and mobile applications.
Technology Development Level First Implementations; Many development projects and commercial projects of stationary and mobile fuel cell applications; Close to the edge technology for a soon commercial break through;

Prototype of hydrogene powered tractor (New Holland, http://agriculture.newholland.com/us/en/About-New-Holland/Innovation/Pages/NH2-Tractor.aspx) Hydrogene delivery infrastructure has to be established;

Required Maintenance Technical Level Medium: Technology can be maintained through its life cycle with uncommon tools and requires moderate training for maintenance;
Required Infrastructure for Deployment Medium: Technology development requires uncommon tools, mid-development level supporting technologies and moderately trained personnel;

Reliable hydrogene or natural gas supply system;

Required Resources during manufacture Water, metals, chemicals, industrial production facilities;
Required Resources during operation Fuels: mainly hydrogene or methane;
Local availability; Fuel cells are in an early deployment stage, used in several stationary and mobile applications yet;
Deployment Capability and Potential Very high; The technology can be widely deployed but resources or material supply and distribution chains are required;
Requirements for Deployment Industrial serial production to bring down the cost; Fuel-supply infrastructure; Know-how transfer and engineering;
Relevance for Autonomy and Food Security Depending on the application, fuel cells can have an important impact on food security, when fuel source is renewable;
Environment Impacts (emissions) Low: When fuel comes from a renewable energy source;
Conformity with Bio- Cybernetic System Rules Hydrogene economy with fuel cells based on renewable energies is in good compliance with the Cybernetic System Rules.
Additional information / Comments No comments.
Internal Reference
Additional Links






"Renewable Energy, Alternative Methodology" is not in the list (Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Alternative Methodology) of allowed values for the "PAT Type" property.