Fuel Prices Germany

From energypedia

Part of: GIZ International Fuel Price database
Also see: Germany Energy Situation

Fuel Pricing Policies

Local Currency: EUR
Exchange Rate: 0.7365


Last Update:

The downstream fuel sector in Germany is liberal and privatized. At the end of 2012 a Market Transparency Agency has been initiated to monitor retail price trends in Germany and to provide these information to customers.

Taxation on fuels is very high in Germany. As any taxes in Germany, fuel taxes are not earmarked, that is, this levy does not flow directly into road or infrastructure specific funds. According to several sources, the fuel tax income is indeed much higher than the costs of the road system.

While there are private web sites monitoring the fuel prices with high effort, e.g. benzinpreis.de, there is no official internet website of the German government giving up-to-date information on actual pump prices. Also, the government does not publish indicative prices or price structures.

Europe-wide fuel price statistics can be found at http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/.

Fuel Prices and Trends

Gasoline 95 Octane Diesel
in USD*

in Local Currency

* benchmark lines: green=US price; grey=price in Spain; red=price of Crude Oil

Fuel Price Composition

Price composition for one litre of Gasoline 95 Octane as of 2010/12/01.

GIZ IFP2012 Germany.png

Source: Exxon Mobil Central Europe (→App. A1) ( http://www.exxonmobil.com/Germany-German/PA/products_fm_kraftstoff_preise_wer.aspx; in German Language)

VAT is 19% on the retailers price, therefore including the Mineral Oil Tax.

„Transport/Storage/Margins“ includes any costs of the downstream distribution of fuels and margins.

At a Glance

Transparency of
Price Composition
Transparency of Pricing
Mechanism / Monitoring
IFPDB matrix background.png
IFPDB matrix point.png
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An official monitoring of fuel prices is missing. Indicative prices structures are missing.

Sources to the Public

Type of Information Web-Link / Source
Other Information http://www.bmwi.de/BMWi/Redaktion/PDF/Gesetz/gesetz-zur-einrichtung-einer-markttransparenzstelle-fuer-den-grosshandel-mit-strom-und-gas,property=pdf,bereich=bmwi2012,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf (Law on Establishment of Market Transparency Agency (German language))
Other Information http://www.benzinpreis.de (Non-official web page)
Pump prices and margins http://www.mwv.de/index.php/daten/statistikenpreise (Information on prices by Association of the German Petroleum Industry (German language))
Pump prices and margins http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/


Please find more information on GIZ International Fuel Price Database and http://www.giz.de/fuelprices

This is a living document. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us: Armin.Wagner@giz.de

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