Fuel Prices Nauru

From energypedia

Part of: GIZ International Fuel Price database
Also see: Nauru Energy Situation

Fuel Pricing Policies

Local Currency: AUD
Exchange Rate: 1.0187


Last Update:

No information found on the governments website (http://www.naurugov.nr/).

Fuel Prices and Trends

Gasoline 95 Octane Diesel
in USD*

in Local Currency

* benchmark lines: green=US price; grey=price in Spain; red=price of Crude Oil

Fuel Price Composition

Price composition.

A considerable share of the fuel price probably arises from sea transportation costs. Fuel prices differ across the small country. No further information available.

At a Glance

Transparency of
Price Composition
Transparency of Pricing
Mechanism / Monitoring
No information on Pricing Mechanism available. Price Level: 3.5 out of 4. IFPDB trafficlight red.png IFPDB trafficlight explanation.png IFPDB trafficlight red.png

Sources to the Public

Type of Information Web-Link / Source
Other Information http://www.naurugov.nr/


Please find more information on GIZ International Fuel Price Database and http://www.giz.de/fuelprices

This is a living document. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us: Armin.Wagner@giz.de

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