Knowledge Sharing Activities for Mozambique

From energypedia

AMER - Associação Moçambicana de Energias Renováveis (Mozambican Renewable Energy Association) in collaboration with GIZ organised a launch event to showcase the new activities of energypedia and the RENAC GreenSkills4Dev project.

This initiative is part of the Green People's Energy program funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the multi-donor Energising Development program (EnDev).

During the event, energypedia shared its upcoming knowledge exchange activities for Mozambican RE sector including an introduction to the:

  • Mozambique off-grid Knowledge Hub on energypedia
  • Mozambique off-grid practitioners network and
  • Virtual events such as webinars

During the session the RENAC presented the GREENskills4Dev project which promotes trainings aimed at RE capacity building in Mozambique as well as transfer of skills and knowledge to local off-grid RE actors. This project includes the following areas of intervention:

  • Curriculum development;
  • Virtual classrooms and,
  • Network of training centers.

This event, highlighted the different training opportunities in the renewable energy sector as well as an update of the upcoming activities that will be implemented by the programs to create and foster a community of Mozambican RE experts .

Please find below the links to the information sheets of GBE and the EnDev program.

AMER, as the interlocutor of the energy sector in Mozambique, invites you to visit its website and register as anassociate member through the link here, or you can contact AMER through the address:

Together for Renewable Energy in Mozambique!