Legal Disclaimer

From energypedia

Legal Disclaimer

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All orders are governed by the terms and conditions stated hereinafter. Acceptance of any modifications of these terms shall be subject to energypedia (the service provider) prior written agreement. By registering a company in the directory, the subscriber accepts these terms unless he/she sends a cancellation notice. The cancellation must be given in writing.

As the company directory is meant for companies in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency, applications coming from other economic branches may be rejected.

The directory is run by:
König-Adolf-Str. 12
65191 Wiesbaden, Germany
Phone: +49 611 18195032

Privacy Policy

Profile Editing

Can be done by energypedia (upon request) or directly by the user, via the company profile page. energypedia staff can contact companies on a regular basis to ask for profile updates. energypedia reserves the right to delete a profile if a company violates the terms of use hereby established.


Other articles (besides the own company profile) must not be used for promotional and advertisement purposes. Articles considered advertisements include those that are solicitations for a business, product or service, or are public relations pieces designed to promote a company or individual. When an article on an otherwise encyclopedic topic has the tone of an advertisement, the article can often be salvaged by rewriting it in a neutral point of view. Elements of articles about products or services with brand names can also be combined under a common topic or category to facilitate unbiased and collaborative information by including information about the competition and about different alternatives. In severe cases, particularly in the event of repetitive violation, energypedia and energypedia consult reserve the right to delete articles and block the respective company profile. If you want to place ads on energypedia, please refer to advertising on

Other Legal Issues

  1. The service provider is not liable for damages caused by any technical or other failure arising in the database of the energypedia company directory or any technical failure of the database of the energypedia company directory. The service provider is not liable for damages caused by any error in the database of the energypedia company directory.
  2. In order to be effective, all undertakings notified verbally to the service provider's employees must be necessarily confirmed in writing.
  3. The place of jurisdiction in any dispute arising is the service provider's address.
  4. The agreement between the service provider and the subscriber is governed by the law of the juridical seat of the service provider: Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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