Opportunity - Call for expert to deliver training of trainers on mini-grid technical system design, procurement & installation in Ghana

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Call for expert to deliver training of trainers on mini-grid technical system design, procurement & installation in Ghana
Cornerstone of Rural Electrification (CORE)
Financial: (Tender)
  • Mini-grid
  • Solar
  • Ghana
TEA-LP is a partnership of universities committed to delivering local professionals to drive the transition to sustainable energy access for all. TEA-LP has supported eight universities across Africa to develop new postgraduate curricula, that vary, in discipline and content, across universities, aiming to respond to the market needs of this rapidly growing sector in their respective countries. The new phase of the TEA-LP runs from 2022 until the end of 2025 and will see 20 new universities delivering energy access curricula for Masters’ students across Africa and the Indo Pacific.

In the context of the development of trainings for graduate level students at the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) in Ghana, CORE is seeking an expert to deliver “training of trainers on mini-grid technical system design, procurement & installation. The training of trainers should take place in-person in Sunyani, Ghana in November 2023.

It is envisaged that 10 trainers from UENR will take part in the training. Subsequent to the training, UENR envisages to train at least 20 students annually.

Deadline for submissions of proposals: 13 October 2023