Opportunity - RFP - Consultancy for C40 Cities Finance Facility Knowledge and Learning activities (Philippines - Local experts)

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RFP - Consultancy for C40 Cities Finance Facility Knowledge and Learning activities (Philippines - Local experts)
C40 Cities Finance Facility
Financial: (Tender)

The C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF) is soliciting proposals to carry out knowledge and learning activities in the Philippines in the area of renewable energy investments. The consultancy assignment will look to (i) identify key barriers experienced and perceived by municipal governments in Metro Manila, (ii) Develop a knowledge product addressing a chosen barrier, and (iii) share lessons learned from CFF's engagements in the Philippines

The CFF team will be available to answer any questions about this RFP (using subject heading “CFF K&L RFP – Philippines - QUESTIONS”) or about your submission. Please contact: (Mr) Lyan Villacorta, Regional Engagement Manager (Asia), C40 Cities Finance Facility; lvillacorta[at]c40.org; +63 9611347810; or

(Mr) Aris Moro, Knowledge and Partnerships Manager, C40 Cities Finance Facility; amoro[at]c40.org; +44 (0)778 4395 493