Opportunity - The 2024 International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance (SESTEF 2024)

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The 2024 International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance (SESTEF 2024)
University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris School of Business, University of Southampton Business School (University of Southampton, UK), Audencia Business School, and École Polytechnique, with the support of Gaia (Audencia Business School), CRECC Research Center (Paris School of Business), Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, the UMI SOURCE (Joint International Research Unit Sustainability and Resilience, Université Paris-Saclay), and with the participation of TEP (Technology and Energy Power)
Call for Papers/Abstracts
  • Other
  • Energy Access
  • Financing and Business Models
  • France
The 2024 International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance (SESTEF 2024) is a collaborative effort by University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris School of Business, University of Southampton Business School (University of Southampton, UK), Audencia Business School, and École Polytechnique, with the support of Gaia (Audencia Business School), CRECC Research Center (Paris School of Business), Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, the UMI SOURCE (Joint International Research Unit Sustainability and Resilience, Université Paris-Saclay), and with the participation of TEP (Technology and Energy Power). The event will take place on December 11, 12 and 13, 2024 in Paris, France.

As we convene at SESTEF 2024, we recognize the urgency of the economic and financial issues discussed at COP28 and the imperative for academia, policymakers, and practitioners to come together to advance solutions and drive meaningful change. In light of recent global developments, particularly the outcomes of COP28, SESTEF 2024 assumes even greater significance. The insights and agreements reached at COP28 provide a crucial backdrop for the discussions and analyses to be conducted at the conference. Building upon the momentum generated by COP28, SESTEF 2024 aims to serve as a crucial platform for academics, policymakers, and practitioners to engage in meaningful discussions and critical analyses of the pressing issues and challenges concerning energy, environment, sustainability, social transition, economics, and finance, aligning with the global imperative for a sustainable and resilient future. With a focus on stimulating collaboration and knowledge exchange, the conference provides an invaluable opportunity for stakeholders to come together and explore innovative solutions to address the complex interplay of these themes.

Don't miss the enlightening keynote addresses by renowned speakers, Nuno FERNANDES and Katheline SCHUBERT. Additionally, SESTEF 2024 offers publication opportunities in prestigious journals.

The conference organizers would like to invite the submission of both theoretical and empirical papers relating to the above aspects. Interested authors can submit extended abstracts or complete papers, no later than September 30, 2024. For more details, kindly see the conference website at https://sestef2024.sciencesconf.org/.

We look very much forward to welcoming you to Paris!

SESTEF 2024 Team