Opportunity - Women Accelerating the Energy Transition in LAC

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Women Accelerating the Energy Transition in LAC
Florence School of Regulation (FSR)
Financial: (Scholarships)

The Florence School of Regulation’s Lights on Women Initiative and the Inter-American Development Bank are partnering to provide 20 scholarships for women Accelerating the Energy Transition in Latin America and the Caribbean.

While the representation of women in the energy sector shows signs of improvement, there is still much work to do to promote gender equality. According to one study, in 2016 women made up 5% of executive directors worldwide, 19% of non-executive directors and 14% of managers in the top 200 power and utility companies.

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has the highest percentage of female executive directors in the energy sector, yet the number remains quite low with women representing only 9% of all directors. In addition, only 7% of non- executive directors and 17% of managers are women. In total, women in the region represent 19.7% of the total energy sector employees. Addressing the lack of female representation is important as it can help promote greater gender equality, improve company productivity and accelerate the energy transition.

In 2018, the FSR Lights on Women Initiative and the Inter-American Development Bank joined forces under the Lights on Women LAC Edition to shine a light on women working in the LAC energy sector and bring visibility to their expertise, projects, and initiatives such as Sim, Elas Exitem, which give visibility to the work of women working in the Brazilian energy sector.