Opportunity - XI International Summer School on: "Appropriate technologies for sustainable development: A focus on low and middle income countries"

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XI International Summer School on: "Appropriate technologies for sustainable development: A focus on low and middle income countries"
University of Brescia, CeTAmb
Training Courses (Duration: 4 days)
  • Other
  • Italy
CeTAmb is pleased to invite all interested people to the XI International Summer School on: "Appropriate technologies for sustainable development: A focus on low and middle income countries".

The Summer School will be held from Monday 20th June to Friday 24th June 2022, at the University of Brescia (Italy).

The detailed programme will be available soon.

This year the summer school will be offered as in-class course with a maximum number of 30 participants, as well as on-line. Subscriptions are free.

For any information and pre-registration please write to: cetamb@unibs.it


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